Der Deal mit dem Departement of Justice hat PokerStars 90 Tage Zeit gegeben, alle Full Tilt Angelegenheiten zu regeln. Jetzt gibt es die offizielle Mitteilung von PokerStars, dass außerhalb der USA in der ersten November-Woche wieder online sein wird und 184 Millionen Dollar an die Spieler zurückbezahlt werden.
Innerhalb der USA ist das DOJ für die Rückzahlung zuständig, für alle anderen Länder PokerStars. $547 Millionen hat PokerStars an das DOJ bezahlt, die unter anderem auch für die Rückzahlung der US-Spieler verwendet werden. Für Spieler aus Frankreich, Spanien, Dänemark, Estland und Belgien (regulierter Markt) erfolgt die Auszahlung über die regional lizenzierten PokerStars Plattformen. Hier wird Full Tilt nicht verfügbar sein. In Italien wird es eine eigene Lösung geben, die Details dazu folgen in Kürze.
Was aber für uns viel spannender ist – in allen anderen Ländern geht Full Tilt Poker in der ersten November Woche wieder online. Alle Gelder der Spieler sind dann frei verfügbar. Egal, ob man auszahlen lässt oder das neue Spielangebot von in Anspruch nimmt.
Das englische Original:
PAYMENT OF $184 MILLION TO PLAYERS to re-launch in first week of November
ONCHAN, ISLE OF MAN – September 24, 2012 – PokerStars revealed details of its plan to repay $184 million to former customers of Full Tilt Poker outside of the United States of America and announced that will re-launch during the first week of November.
PokerStars has been working with regulators in all relevant jurisdictions to ensure that repayment is conducted in strict compliance with local regulatory requirements that ensure the security of player accounts and confirmation of the rightful ownership of those accounts.
Depending upon their jurisdiction, players will follow slightly different processes for accessing their funds.
• France, Spain, Denmark, Estonia and Belgium: In order to comply with local regulations, former Full Tilt Poker players will be repaid through the locally-licensed PokerStars platform. Players will ‘pair’ a PokerStars account with their Full Tilt account allowing them to withdraw or use their balances on the licensed PokerStars site.
• In Italy, PokerStars is working with regulators to determine the appropriate process to ensure compliance with local regulations. Those details will be announced as soon as possible.
• In all other markets (with the exception of the USA), Full Tilt Poker players will have full access to their accounts when re-launches during the first week of November.
PokerStars received the assets of Full Tilt Poker this summer under a wide-ranging agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice. As part of that agreement, PokerStars committed to repaying the former Full Tilt Poker players outside of the United States. The total of those balances is USD$184 million. PokerStars also paid the U.S. Government USD$547 million, which will in part be used to reimburse former Full Tilt Poker customers in the United States through a remission process to be administered by the U.S. Government.