King’s WSOPE: Ansturm beim NLH Opener

Der zweite Tag bei der World Series of Poker Europe (WSOPE) im King’s Resort Rozvadov brachte richtig volle Tische. Gleich 1.045 Entries wurden an Tag 1B beim € 315 + 35 Opener Event # 1 verzeichnet und damit der Preispool auf € 535.358 hochgeschraubt.

Schon nach dem starken Auftakt am Freitag war klar, dass die € 300.000 Preisgeldgarantie deutlich übertroffen werden würde. Tatsächlich kamen alleine an Tag 1B soviel in den Pot.  Gespielt wurde wieder mit 30.000 Chips und 40 Minuten Levels, 14 Levels galt es zu absolvieren. 634 Spieler kauften sich ein, 411 taten es ein zweites Mal. Mit 1.045 Entries an Tag 1B wurde die Gesamtzahl auf 1.789 erhöht, was nach Abzug der 5 % Fee einem Preispool von € 535.358 entspricht.

Es wurde aber auch kräftig aussortiert an Tag 1B und nur 227 Spieler konnten am Ende auch Chips eintüten. Unter den prominenten Bustouts waren Martin Kabrhel, Jack Sinclair und auch Jan Bendik. Den Tagessieg holte sich Zdenko Slavik mit 457.000 Chips, insgesamt bleibt aber Marc Meden mit 723.000 Chips in Führung.

373 Spieler gehen heute bei den Blinds 1500/3000/3000 in Tag 2, gestartet wird um 14 Uhr. Die Payouts werden zum Start von Tag 2 bekanntgegeben.


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Alle Details und Infos zum kompletten Angebot rund um die WSOP Europe findet Ihr wie immer unter

Event #1: € 350 Opener

Buy-in: € 315 + 35
Entries: 744 (509/235) / 1.045 (634/411) insgesamt 1.789
left: 146 / 227 – insgeasmt 373
Preisgeld: € 535.358
Blinds: Level 15 (1500/3000/3000)

Berichte: Tag 1A – Tag 1B -Tag 2 – Tag 3

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First name Last name Nationality Chip count Table Seat
Marc Emanuel Friedrich Meden Germany 723.000 80 3
Zdenko Slavik Slovakia 457.000 92 4
Andreas Pavli Cyprus 453.500 118 1
Ulas Demirel Turkey 451.500 97 8
Ehud Agnon Israel 437.500 85 3
Marius Savescu Romania 418.500 104 5
Nicolaj Dantoni Italy 415.000 96 7
Kevin Koehler Germany 395.000 105 9
Dennis Christian Magro Germany 380.500 87 9
Thomas Merten Germany 380.000 108 4
Shawn Ryan Stroke United States Minor Outlying Islands 373.000 90 6
Symeon Alexandridis Greece 372.000 116 4
Serhii Mokan Ukraine 359.500 110 6
Schayan Aghajan Schakeri Germany 352.500 92 3
Andrea Ricci Italy 348.500 115 4
Roberto De Ruvo Italy 343.500 95 3
Narcis Gabriel Nedelcu Romania 342.500 112 3
Nicola  Angelini Italy 338.000 117 4
Habip Yilmaz Turkey 331.500 116 1
Serge Willy Badel Switzerland 330.000 100 3
Iman Ghashayar Netherlands 327.000 99 2
Andrei Nodea Romania 326.500 106 8
Kacper Jerzy Swiderski Poland 322.500 114 5
Zdravko Rajic Miskovic Croatia 319.000 95 1
Patrick Schindler Germany 318.000 102 8
Farukh Tach Netherlands 314.000 94 6
Ofer Haim Israel 310.500 86 6
Rupert Derler Austria 310.000 80 5
Frederik Paul Caspar Thiemer Germany 306.500 81 4
Martin Scharfetter Austria 303.500 110 7
Flaviano Cammisuli Italy 302.500 112 2
Ioannis Taramas Greece 300.000 113 9
Rokas Barzdzius Lithuania 298.500 86 5
Jeppe Mariegaard Drivsholm Denmark 290.500 119 3
Jonathan Gruber Germany 286.500 109 1
Roberto Bizaj Switzerland 283.000 122 9
Juan Maceiras Lapido Spain 281.000 111 7
Volodymyr Legkyi Ukraine 275.000 83 9
Sven Lamon Belgium 275.000 85 5
Mario Galic Croatia 275.000 119 7
Matic Meznar Slovenia 272.500 81 9
Joao Pedro Ferreira Lima Portugal 271.500 97 5
Raul Gutierrez Talavera Spain 271.000 84 1
Pavel Cerveny Czech Republic 269.500 118 5
Marinko Plavsic Bosnia and Herzegovina 263.500 119 2
Di Persio Matteo Italy 254.000 115 8
Logi Thor Laxdal Iceland 253.000 95 5
Alexander Flehmann Germany 252.500 82 6
Zhao Feng Singapore 251.500 117 5
Kamenko Dujmovic Slovenia 247.000 98 4
Carlo William Citrone United Kingdom 245.000 80 1
Rolf Van Brug Netherlands 245.000 100 4
Netanel Amedi Israel 243.000 90 3
Andy Schlegel Germany 240.500 91 9
Danny Covyn Belgium 240.000 105 3
Andreas Heim Germany 238.500 113 8
Uwe Dietzinger Germany 237.000 109 4
Marion Rosa Storch Germany 235.000 101 3
Stribor Ladislav Gruicic Croatia 233.500 96 5
Jessica Yasemin Angel Mendyka Germany 223.500 83 2
Omid Kamali Novin Germany 221.500 109 7
Sebastian Rolf Simon Germany 221.000 91 6
Athanasios Eleftherios Kefalas Greece 221.000 108 9
Kevin Raymond Lucien Recous France 221.000 84 4
Willibald Ludwig Joha Stopfer Germany 220.500 107 4
Ahmed Abdellatif Australia 220.500 106 3
Michael Adam Czech Republic 216.000 82 9
Nadav Barash Israel 215.500 114 6
Steve Andre Lixon Netherlands 215.000 108 2
Alexander Baier Germany 215.000 111 9
Valerio Patrizio Antonini Italy 213.500 98 6
Zelimir Tosic Germany 213.000 88 7
Ercan Atmaca Netherlands 212.000 94 8
Enrico Campanile Italy 211.000 122 5
Richard Kovac Slovakia 210.500 106 9
Andrea  Radicchi Italy 210.000 100 5
Beiyan Yu China 208.500 120 6
Michael Hoch Germany 207.500 87 3
Silviu Baltateanu Romania 205.000 89 6
Silviu Virgil Nemes Romania 201.000 122 6
Ercan Acar Turkey 200.500 118 2
Francesco Procopio Italy 200.000 120 5
Hael Al Labani Germany 199.500 104 9
Steve Cottet Switzerland 197.500 87 5
Simone Andrian Italy 196.000 115 1
David Thierry Foucault France 195.500 81 2
Claudio Celenza Germany 187.000 103 3
Maximilian Josef Mathissen Germany 186.000 85 6
Ali Deniz Akok Germany 184.500 99 1
Daniel Abel Van Os Netherlands 183.500 114 2
Kai Dressler Germany 182.500 107 5
Cornelis Willem De Moree Netherlands 182.500 121 2
Cyril Richard Soyez France 182.500 103 7
Laurent Pierre Luc Prudhomme France 181.500 112 1
Dragos Petru Iacob Romania 181.000 89 8
Adrian Strobel Germany 179.500 102 5
Marius Alexandru Gicovanu Romania 179.000 92 6
Daffina Claudio Italy 179.000 88 6
Shalom Saha Switzerland 178.500 117 2
Georg Andreas Bernitz Germany 176.000 101 8
Paul Bihl Germany 175.000 86 8
Razvan Bordei Romania 174.500 116 5
Luc Andre Glodt Luxembourg 172.000 96 1
Renat Bohdanov Ukraine 170.500 83 1
Fabian Lange Germany 170.500 122 3
Mahdi Et Tabirou Morocco 170.500 110 8
Levent Efe Germany 170.000 105 6
Alexander Sazhinov Russian Federation 169.500 99 7
Damian Matthias Guggenberger Germany 169.000 91 5
Harald Kolk Germany 167.500 102 4
Mordehai Shemtov Bueno Israel 167.000 89 7
Dominik Siegl Czech Republic 167.000 116 7
Julian Gian Lucca Laurentius Wyss Switzerland 167.000 106 1
Virginie Sylvia Toury France 166.000 115 7
Nina Rahel Gestach Switzerland 165.000 87 2
Andrea  Melluzzo Italy 164.500 87 4
Netanel Bronshtein Israel 162.500 119 8
Jeroen Marinus Van Belzen Netherlands 162.000 90 7
Nicolas Bokowski Germany 162.000 114 1
Issam Moustafa Mohamed Abdalla Italy 160.500 117 7
Denis Djordjevic Austria 160.000 105 4
Danny Ehrenberger Germany 159.500 82 8
David Peter Rodwell Australia 159.500 120 1
Anthony Eugen Wintermann Germany 157.500 100 2
Lukas Marcin Moeller Germany 157.000 96 3
Ali Amelipour Germany 157.000 115 5
Jerome Paul Vittoz France 156.000 95 7
Stephan Howard Reischl Germany 155.000 109 6
Denys Fedorenko Ukraine 154.500 99 4
Clement Henry Cure France 154.000 121 5
Christina Joergensen Solli Norway 153.500 116 2
Cammarata Daniele Damiano Italy 151.500 96 4
Stephane Victor Paul Chevrier France 151.000 103 4
Jimmy Eddy Bord France 150.500 112 5
Dushko Bogoevski Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 150.000 95 4
Zhong Chen Netherlands 150.000 81 7
Roy Stoerseth Thoern Norway 149.500 86 9
Joern Eriksrud Bye Norway 149.000 108 6
Mahir Cengil Germany 148.500 81 3
Mehdi Malakoti Iran, Islamic Republic of 148.000 113 1
Ciprian Dan Galatean Romania 148.000 105 7
Luc Ramos Switzerland 147.500 101 4
Serhiy Soroka Ukraine 146.000 85 9
Jan Bendik Slovakia 145.500 80 6
Feargus David Morgan Murphy Ireland 143.500 83 4
Michael Herbert Bartov Sweden 143.000 104 4
Raphael Magg Germany 142.500 119 9
Daniel Illenseer Germany 142.500 110 2
Luca Beretta Italy 142.000 91 7
Stefan Neurauter Austria 140.500 109 8
Richard Toth Hungary 140.500 102 9
Andre Ichoua Guedj France 140.000 122 7
Thomas Pronold Germany 140.000 92 7
Milad Oghabian Netherlands 140.000 97 3
Alexander Bachman Russian Federation 140.000 103 2
Petr Urban Czech Republic 139.500 107 1
Cristino Tomaso Mascaro France 139.500 88 4
Anatolii Sukharenko Ukraine 139.000 101 6
Martynas Miliauskas Lithuania 138.500 113 2
Peter Kvisthammar Sweden 138.000 98 3
Dennis Ramon Bienwald Germany 137.500 94 5
Angelo Budelli Italy 137.500 118 6
Ori Elul Israel 137.000 111 4
Angelo Cardani Italy 136.500 111 8
Krzysztof Dulowski Poland 136.000 90 9
Karol Bogusz Poland 134.000 85 2
Abdelhakim Zoufri Netherlands 134.000 104 1
Sergej Vladimirov Belarus 133.500 114 9
Antonello Ferraiuolo Italy 133.500 97 6
Sascha Fichtmueller Germany 133.000 100 7
Fabio Peluso Italy 133.000 117 9
Ion Tabacaru Romania 132.500 120 8
Maxence Guyomarch France 132.000 92 5
Stefan Raschbauer Austria 131.500 94 4
Jeremy Michel Robert Gaisne France 130.500 86 1
Halil Korel Dervis United Kingdom 130.000 110 4
Alexandru Budai Romania 130.000 107 3
Alaettin Keles Germany 130.000 121 9
Mr Cristinel Costin Romania 130.000 84 3
Daniele Pezzuto Italy 128.500 118 3
Iuliu Vlaic Germany 125.500 108 5
Ante Baricevic Croatia 123.500 115 6
Umberto Sorrentino Italy 122.500 89 2
Yi Lin Luxembourg 122.000 99 6
Jochen Werner Germany 120.000 95 6
Kay Steer Germany 120.000 88 9
Albertus Jakob Van Hezel Netherlands 119.900 80 9
Giovanni Nava Italy 119.500 114 3
Radek Mlcak Czech Republic 119.000 84 7
Iurii Kondrat Ukraine 119.000 101 9
Bozidar Bobi Miljkovic Germany 118.500 94 9
Alessandro Barda Italy 118.500 110 9
Mark Anthony Rostron United Kingdom 118.500 85 4
Nicola D Anselmo Italy 118.500 119 5
Seciel Willem Verstraeten Netherlands 118.000 112 6
Ron Nissim Israel 117.500 98 7
Gregor Klun Slovenia 117.500 84 6
Navid Saberin Luxembourg 116.500 88 5
Simon Charles Taberham United Kingdom 115.500 111 1
Johannes Thoni Italy 113.500 108 7
Franco Spinelli Italy 113.500 103 6
Weuler Borges Santos Filho Brazil 113.500 82 1
Tony Gross Germany 113.000 97 7
Jonathan Ferdinand Wenzel Germany 112.500 120 9
Elton Ziso Greece 112.000 116 9
Apostol Virgil Beg Romania 112.000 121 1
Simone Iuliano Italy 112.000 82 2
Johannes Helmut Frey Germany 111.000 106 4
Srdan Zbucnovic Serbia 110.500 81 5
Burton Thomas Alain Belgium 110.300 113 4
Christian Hermann Germany 110.000 80 2
Vincenzo Cascone Italy 110.000 109 2
Jelka Andelic Italy 110.000 90 2
Ivaylo Dimitrov Ivanov Bulgaria 110.000 112 4
Samir Mehmel France 109.000 107 7
Thomas Schmidt Germany 108.500 108 8
Jereme Pascal Roger Grimmer France 108.500 111 2
Anders Auset Norway 107.500 114 8
Petru Tarlev Moldova, Republic of 106.500 121 7
Tolga Karakaya Germany 106.500 100 1
Murat Ayata Turkey 105.500 102 7
Kai Lukas Bovie Germany 105.500 94 3
Udo Adrian Hemmert Germany 105.000 107 8
Grzegorz Ireneusz Wyraz Poland 104.500 89 4
Daniele Vesco Italy 103.500 92 2
Riccardo Rosella Italy 103.000 88 2
Mousa Awad Romania 102.000 116 6
Sebastian Curcu Germany 102.000 109 3
Florent Yoann Estegassy France 102.000 117 3
Ugur Coskun Switzerland 101.000 81 8
Antonio Jelenkovic Croatia 100.000 117 1
Giovanni Emanuele  Palma Italy 99.000 91 1
Alexis Andreou Cyprus 98.000 96 8
Henning Gunnar Andre Sweden 98.000 115 9
Aliaksandr Shylko Belarus 97.000 97 4
Roland Hackl Austria 96.000 122 1
Matthias Samuel Hungerbuehler Switzerland 96.000 83 6
Kurt Radinger Austria 94.000 105 8
Giuseppe Rosa Italy 93.000 86 3
Ntamaris Fotios Konstantinos Greece 93.000 86 2
Carlo Savinelli Italy 93.000 121 8
Sebastiano Leonetti Italy 90.500 104 3
Kofler Kurt Italy 90.000 102 6
Peter Da Norway 90.000 118 8
Alon Galanti Israel 89.500 89 5
Maik Peschmann Germany 89.500 83 8
Lois Bernard Marcel Pierre Dufouleur France 89.500 98 5
Costin Zainea France 89.000 80 7
Andras Balogh Hungary 88.000 87 6
Thorsten Stefan Weiss Germany 87.500 99 3
Nils Jakob Elias Linden Sweden 87.000 84 8
Do Chung Tran Germany 87.000 92 8
Hakim Boutoual France 87.000 104 8
Rino Terence Tee Netherlands 86.500 87 7
Fabian Ullrich Peter Frank Germany 86.500 106 7
Bulcsu Lukacs Romania 86.500 90 5
Florian Gebele Germany 85.000 107 9
Cenk Oguz Belgium 85.000 117 6
Dirk Vollmer Germany 84.500 82 3
Daniel Edward Myers United Kingdom 84.500 81 6
Aleksandar Trajkovski Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of 82.500 111 5
Alessandro Di Persio Israel 82.000 82 7
Umberto Ferrauto Italy 82.000 86 7
Jaroslaw Kamil Kosmaty Poland 82.000 89 9
Felix Klaus Kohl Germany 80.500 90 1
Matei Alexandru Lupascu Romania 80.000 120 3
Alexander Avraham Poizner Germany 80.000 112 9
Lorenz Gertz Germany 79.500 101 7
Steven Lamb United Kingdom 79.500 105 2
Davide Clodomiro Italy 79.000 98 1
Nicola De Vita Italy 79.000 92 9
Serkan Yesil Germany 79.000 115 2
Nelio Gatta Italy 77.500 84 9
Johan Buchtrup Schultz Pedersen Denmark 77.000 113 6
Sime Drazevic Croatia 77.000 100 8
Andreas Patrick Puhl Germany 77.000 121 4
Antonio Turrisi Italy 76.000 88 3
Garry Alan Bush United Kingdom 76.000 106 5
Wiljan Van Woerkum Netherlands 76.000 99 8
Davide Calvaresi Italy 75.500 110 5
Fabien Anthon Gun Switzerland 75.500 91 2
Sandro Pitzanti Netherlands 75.000 95 8
Paul Emmanuel Joseph Angelin Blanc France 75.000 116 3
Jens Oliver Schroeder Germany 75.000 110 3
Sven Sachtleber Germany 74.000 85 1
Gal Aviv Israel 74.000 103 8
Moshe Komemi Israel 74.000 87 1
Vasileios Tsaknis Greece 73.500 112 8
Christian Froehler Germany 73.500 120 4
Viktor Vercoustre France 73.000 102 2
Ciprian Ionut Oprea Romania 72.000 94 1
Patrik Zidek Czech Republic 71.000 80 8
Ho Tien Cheung Netherlands 71.000 105 5
Chen Lin China 71.000 113 3
Martin Hanzl Czech Republic 70.500 98 8
Karsten Honnefeller Germany 70.000 100 6
Luciano Villani Germany 70.000 118 9
Ricardas Vymeris Lithuania 70.000 85 8
Juraj Liska Slovakia 69.000 97 9
Yoshimasa Nakamura Japan 69.000 108 1
Kacper Tadeusz Pawlowski Poland 68.500 96 2
Flavio Decataldo Italy 68.500 104 6
Rotem Shmuel Chen Portugal 68.500 106 2
Sinan Turhan Germany 68.000 91 8
Frederick Vecchio Italy 67.500 114 4
Athanasios Andrianopoulos Greece 67.500 83 3
Lars Emil Nydegger Norway 66.000 122 8
Giovanni Ventura Italy 66.000 95 2
Ana Maria Cristina Iordache Romania 65.500 122 4
Iliyan Petrov Mutafov Bulgaria 63.500 101 1
Michal Mrakes Czech Republic 61.000 119 4
Tomasz Pawel Gluszko Poland 60.500 109 9
Safwane Anwar Bahri France 60.500 103 1
Reda Rabah Dodar France 60.500 119 6
Vincenzo Lo Monaco France 60.000 87 8
Tobias Peters Netherlands 60.000 105 1
Sergiu Cornea Romania 60.000 88 1
Aivaras Kerusauskas Lithuania 59.500 82 5
Mr James Arthur Owen United Kingdom 58.500 96 6
Tobias Boettcher Germany 58.500 90 8
Christopher Heim Germany 58.500 117 8
Adrian Remus Constantin Romania 58.000 118 7
Dario Joel Alves Rodrigues Portugal 58.000 102 1
Georg Friedrich Hoffmann Germany 58.000 118 4
Marcin Igor Puczylowski Poland 57.000 84 2
Dominique Lesley Liebrechts Netherlands 56.500 83 5
Linda Minh Phuong Nguyen Norway 56.000 103 5
Piotr Kierkowski Poland 55.000 111 3
Steffen Logen Germany 54.500 98 2
Frederic Konowitz France 54.000 84 5
Melchers Dorian  France 53.500 112 7
Sebastian Langrock Germany 53.500 107 2
Julien Eric N Casteleyn Belgium 52.500 91 4
Alain  Pascal Riss France 52.500 116 8
Guisppe Fabio Dantuono Italy 52.000 101 5
Avraham Aviram Hazan Chen Israel 50.000 108 3
Christian Guida Italy 49.500 102 3
Aart Jan Gerrit Visscher Netherlands 49.500 107 6
Dennis Krusch Germany 49.500 88 8
Alex Freund France 49.000 99 5
Denislav Plamenov Petkov Bulgaria 49.000 90 4
Alessio La Francesca Italy 48.000 81 1
Saulius Tumosa Lithuania 47.000 106 6
Espen Smoerholm Sandvik Norway 47.000 121 6
Mantas Mameniskis Lithuania 46.000 83 7
Diego Dorado Lopez Spain 45.500 94 2
Peter Wenger Switzerland 45.000 85 7
Jens Stumpe Germany 44.500 120 2
Jozsef Liszkovics Romania 44.500 99 9
Maksim Ivanov Dimov Bulgaria 44.000 97 2
Nicolas Vince Vitel France 44.000 82 4
Quinten Paul Elisabeth Spyckerelle Luxembourg 43.500 92 1
Davor Stanisavljevic Croatia 43.000 86 4
Michael Laurent M Rouffiange Belgium 43.000 101 2
Teemu Anselmi Jaatinen Finland 42.000 113 5
Josef Erich Hackl Germany 41.500 89 1
Bogdan Ion Sovaiala Romania 40.000 95 9
Stephan David Kribben Germany 39.500 119 1
Leonardo Maria Armino Netherlands 39.000 115 3
De Han Kim Korea, Republic of 38.000 98 9
Benjamin Sivic Germany 36.500 111 6
Boris Helmer Nowak Germany 36.000 94 7
Stephan Klam Germany 34.000 120 7
Paolo Martinuzzi Luxembourg 32.000 109 5
Giovanni Petroni Italy 32.000 80 4
Alin Cosmin Farcas Italy 31.000 91 3
Arturas Kuzmenka Lithuania 30.500 122 2
Roko Rudic Croatia 30.500 103 9
Daniele Grasso Italy 30.000 104 7
Pierre Erbland France 25.000 121 3
Valeriu Galit Moldova, Republic of 24.000 100 9
Walter Heinz Lotter Germany 22.500 110 1
Denis Kadric Germany 12.000 97 1




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