Der Sieg beim € 1.100 Eureka Main Event der PokerStars European Poker Tour (EPT) im Hilton Prag bzw. im King’s Casino Prag ging an PokerStars Ambassador Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo, der sich so über € 417.820 freuen konnte.
3.155 (1553/1602) Entries hatten für ein Rekordfeld bei der Rückkehr der Eureka Poker Tour gesorgt. Alle deutschsprachigen Hoffnungen waren schon dahin, als die letzten neun Spieler am Final Table Platz nahmen, Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo war der Chipleader. Mit viel Action ging es zur Sache, Lococo konnte seinen Stack gleich auch noch weiter ausbauen. Alexandre Reard war der erste Seat open, als er mit das Nachsehen gegen die Könige von Bartolomeo Tato hatte.
Jon Kyte verdoppelte dann gegen Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo und so musste der Argentinier auch seine dominante Führung an Bartolomeo Tato abgeben. Der nächste Seat open war Merijn van Rooij, der zunächst den Großteil seiner Chips an Nicolas Cottin abgab, der Rest folgte gleich darauf an Jon Kyte. Cottin brachten die Chips aber auch kein Glück, er verabschiedete sich mit gegen Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo, der sich damit wieder kurz an die Spitze setzen konnte. Gleich darauf verlor er allerdings einen Pot gegen Barolomeo Tato, der sich so wieder die Führung sicherte.
Ville Jantunen musste Platz 6 nehmen, als er mit nur noch vier BBs mit gegen das Nachsehen hatte. Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo eliminierte anschließend mit Yann Nasser den nächsten Shortstack. Der Luxemburger hatte auf gesetzt, scheiterte aber an von Lococo, weil das Board brachte. Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo konnte anschließend mit Jon Kye mit vom Tisch schicken, gleich darauf verabschiedete er auch mit Jakub Koleckar mit .
Damit ging Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo nun auch wieder als Chipleader ins Heads-up gegen Bartolomeo Tato. Das Duell dauerte nicht allzu lange, auf dem Turn gingen die Chips in die Mitte. Tato hielt , Lococo . Der River änderte nichts und Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo konnte über den Sieg und € 417.820 jubeln, Tato nahm € 249.000 für Rang 2 mit.
Die komplette Coverage zum Nachlesen findet Ihr auf auf Pokernews. Alle Details zur EPT Prag sind auf zu finden.
EPT Prag 2021 Schedule –>> click
1 | Alejandro „Papo MC“ Lococo | Argentina | PokerStars Ambassador | €417,820.00 |
2 | Bartolomeo Tato | Italy | €249,000.00 | |
3 | Jakub Koleckar | Czech Republic | €174,130.00 | |
4 | Jon Kyte | Norway | €131,900.00 | |
5 | Yann Nasser | Luxembourg | €99,920.00 | |
6 | Ville Jantunen | Finland | €75,690.00 | |
7 | Nicolas Cottin | Chile | PokerStars qualifier | €57,340.00 |
8 | Merijn van Rooij | Netherlands | €43,430.00 | |
9 | Alexandre Reard | France | €32,860.00 | |
10 | Mathias Siljander | Finland | €24,930.00 | |
11 | Tjenno Eskes | Netherlands | €24,930.00 | |
12 | Karol Konopka | Czech Republic | €20,780.00 | |
13 | Dan Borlan | Romania | €20,780.00 | |
14 | Pawel Brzeski | Poland | €17,320.00 | |
15 | Ricardo Caridade | Portugal | €17,320.00 | |
16 | Heinz Schluter | Germany | €15,200.00 | |
17 | Abel Aspas | Spain | €15,200.00 | |
18 | Roman Blaha | Czech Republic | €13,330.00 | |
19 | Dragoljub Martinovic | Serbia | €13,330.00 | |
20 | Petr Kubenka | Czech Republic | €13,330.00 | |
21 | Giovanni Palma | Italy | €11,690.00 | |
22 | Jordan Woodall | Germany | €11,690.00 | |
23 | Vasileios Panagiotou | Greece | €11,690.00 | |
24 | Simone Demasi | Italy | €11,690.00 | |
25 | Eleftherios Kavoukis | Greece | €10,270.00 | |
26 | Meir Avigal | Israel | €10,270.00 | |
27 | Name gelöscht | Sweden | €10,270.00 | |
28 | Kyohei Yabe | Japan | €10,270.00 | |
29 | Andreas Krause | Germany | €9,000.00 | |
30 | Firat Baltaci | Netherlands | €9,000.00 | |
31 | Maxime Costas | France | €9,000.00 | |
32 | Tal Herzog | Israel | €9,000.00 | |
33 | Antonios Poziadis | Greece | €7,910.00 | |
34 | Karol Bogusz | Poland | €7,910.00 | |
35 | Zhong Chen | Netherlands | €7,910.00 | |
36 | Alban Juen | France | €7,910.00 | |
37 | Amar Begovic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | €7,910.00 | |
38 | Zion Shamay | Israel | €7,910.00 | |
39 | Diomedes Rimon | Netherlands | €7,910.00 | |
40 | Ivan Zhechev | Bulgaria | €7,910.00 | |
41 | Eros Calderone | Italy | €6,940.00 | |
42 | Kalle Persson | Sweden | €6,940.00 | |
43 | Jan Mach | Czech Republic | €6,940.00 | |
44 | Anton Markov | Bulgaria | €6,940.00 | |
45 | Dominik Asztemborski | Poland | €6,940.00 | |
46 | Waldemar Starostin | Germany | €6,940.00 | |
47 | Radoslaw Koziol | Poland | €6,940.00 | |
48 | Thao Hong | Ireland | €6,940.00 | |
49 | Juan Carlos Vecino | Spain | €6,940.00 | |
50 | Eirmas Tomkevicius | Lithuania | €6,940.00 | |
51 | Julien Sitbon | UK | €6,940.00 | |
52 | Razvan Bordei | Romania | €6,940.00 | |
53 | Piotr Wiecek | Poland | €6,940.00 | |
54 | Simeon Spasov | Bulgaria | €6,940.00 | |
55 | Mohamad El-Rais | Switzerland | €6,940.00 | |
56 | Tomas Pleticha | Czech Republic | €6,940.00 | |
57 | Aristeidis Moschonas | Greece | €6,090.00 | |
58 | Joao Lopes De Oliveira | Portugal | €6,090.00 | |
59 | Emmanuel Kahan | France | €6,090.00 | |
60 | Joao Ferreira | Portugal | €6,090.00 | |
61 | Andreas Putz | Germany | €6,090.00 | |
62 | Joao Canongia | Portugal | €6,090.00 | |
63 | Marco Leonzio | Italy | €6,090.00 | |
64 | Akseli Paalanen | Finland | €6,090.00 | |
65 | Sebastian Kappenberg | Germany | €6,090.00 | |
66 | Luigi Shehadeh | Italy | €6,090.00 | |
67 | Ronnie Lemmens | Netherlands | €6,090.00 | |
68 | Claudiu-Alexandru Roman | Romania | €6,090.00 | |
69 | Espen Sandvik | Norway | €6,090.00 | |
70 | Tobias Tropschuh | Germany | €6,090.00 | |
71 | Mateusz Wozniak | Poland | €6,090.00 | |
72 | Jonas Lauck | Germany | €6,090.00 | |
73 | Diego Montone | Italy | €5,300.00 | |
74 | Jakub Oliva | Czech Republic | €5,300.00 | |
75 | Viliyan Petleshkov | Bulgaria | €5,300.00 | |
76 | Andreas Boelling | Germany | €5,300.00 | |
77 | Lourenco Fernandes | Portugal | €5,300.00 | |
78 | Kurt Radinger | Austria | €5,300.00 | |
79 | Kamaras Peter | Hungary | €5,300.00 | |
80 | Philippe Culot | France | €5,300.00 | |
81 | Juan Navarro | Spain | €5,300.00 | |
82 | Sven Stok | Netherlands | €5,300.00 | |
83 | Dawid Kuliberda | Poland | €5,300.00 | |
84 | Jonathan Therme | UK | €5,300.00 | |
85 | Jonathan Hubert | France | €5,300.00 | |
86 | Josip Ivkic | Croatia | €5,300.00 | |
87 | Tov Shem | Israel | €5,300.00 | |
88 | Lukasz Tomecki | Poland | €5,300.00 | |
89 | Laurynas Levinskas | Lithuania | €5,300.00 | |
90 | Jasper Meijer van Putten | Netherlands | €5,300.00 | |
91 | Vu Vuong | Finland | €5,300.00 | |
92 | Gianfranco Ironico | Italy | €5,300.00 | |
93 | Davor Bojovic | Slovenia | €5,300.00 | |
94 | Dario Quattrucci | Italy | €5,300.00 | |
95 | Niv Arviv | Israel | €5,300.00 | |
96 | Niculae Eremia | Romania | €5,300.00 | |
97 | Alaettin Keles | Germany | €4,660.00 | |
98 | Alexander Lemme | Austria | €4,660.00 | |
99 | Vlado Banicevic | Montenegro | €4,660.00 | |
100 | Mateusz Szymanski | Poland | €4,660.00 | |
101 | Stephen Chambaud | France | €4,660.00 | |
102 | Jean Fontaine | France | €4,660.00 | |
103 | Ioannis Kapnopoulos | Greece | €4,660.00 | |
104 | Pawel Lesiak | Poland | €4,660.00 | |
105 | Antoine Vranken | Netherlands | €4,660.00 | |
106 | Apostolos Chatzopoulos | Greece | €4,660.00 | |
107 | Stefan Leenen | Netherlands | €4,660.00 | |
108 | Cihan Bicik | Switzerland | €4,660.00 | |
109 | Nikita Luther | India | €4,660.00 | |
110 | Virgil Grecu | Romania | €4,660.00 | |
111 | Ionut-Flavius Voinea | Romania | €4,660.00 | |
112 | Cosimo Sabatini | Italy | €4,660.00 | |
113 | Mark Metsla | Estonia | €4,660.00 | |
114 | Antonio Crosetta | Italy | €4,660.00 | |
115 | Yulian Bogdanov | Bulgaria | €4,660.00 | |
116 | Andreas Van Deyck | Belgium | €4,660.00 | |
117 | Alexis Nicolai | France | €4,660.00 | |
118 | Pieter Theelen | Austria | €4,660.00 | |
119 | Jan Dentler | Germany | €4,660.00 | |
120 | Rodolphe Dethiere | France | €4,660.00 | |
121 | Victor Pahon | France | €4,060.00 | |
122 | Kim Wittendorff | Denmark | €4,060.00 | |
123 | Abraham Serrano | Spain | €4,060.00 | |
124 | Antonios Vogiatzis | Greece | €4,060.00 | |
125 | Cedric Ghanassia | France | €4,060.00 | |
126 | Patrik Jaros | Czech Republic | €4,060.00 | |
127 | Catalin Ciocov | Romania | €4,060.00 | |
128 | Emmanuel Terrazzoni | France | €4,060.00 | |
129 | Florens Feenstra | Netherlands | €4,060.00 | |
130 | Giovanni Nava | Italy | €4,060.00 | |
131 | Robert Heidorn | Germany | €4,060.00 | |
132 | Cristian Nogales | Switzerland | €4,060.00 | |
133 | Jens Nielsen | Denmark | €4,060.00 | |
134 | Mark Bongaerts | Netherlands | €4,060.00 | |
135 | Abdessamad Ayyad | Germany | €4,060.00 | |
136 | Pascal Vos | Netherlands | €4,060.00 | |
137 | Uri Netanel | Israel | €4,060.00 | |
138 | Piotr Nurzynski | Poland | €4,060.00 | |
139 | Issam Fakhro | Sweden | €4,060.00 | |
140 | Mourad Tounnouti | Netherlands | €4,060.00 | |
141 | Volodymyr Drokin | Ukraine | €4,060.00 | |
142 | Kenny Hallaert | Belgium | €4,060.00 | |
143 | Ilie Smintanca-Januszewski | Romania | €4,060.00 | |
144 | Hiroki Nawa | Japan | €4,060.00 | |
145 | Alexandre Dana | France | €3,570.00 | |
146 | John Kelly | Ireland | €3,570.00 | |
147 | Sergej Barbarez | Germany | €3,570.00 | |
148 | Quentin Guivarch | France | €3,570.00 | |
149 | Tobias Peters | Netherlands | €3,570.00 | |
150 | Samy Dubonnet | France | €3,570.00 | |
151 | Adam Polek | Czech Republic | €3,570.00 | |
152 | Ahmad Leila | France | €3,570.00 | |
153 | Totti Arosuo | Finland | €3,570.00 | |
154 | Shapira Liron | Israel | €3,570.00 | |
155 | Vasile Iuga | Romania | €3,570.00 | |
156 | Markus Oeste | Germany | €3,570.00 | |
157 | Radoslav Stoyanov | Bulgaria | €3,570.00 | |
158 | Efstathios Kavoukis | Greece | €3,570.00 | |
159 | Gerald Eisele | Switzerland | €3,570.00 | |
160 | Christian Pedersen | Denmark | €3,570.00 | |
161 | Patrick Leonard | UK | €3,570.00 | |
162 | Giorgio Soceanu | Italy | €3,570.00 | |
163 | Willem De Graaf | Netherlands | €3,570.00 | |
164 | Rifat Gegic | Serbia | €3,570.00 | |
165 | Veselin Petrov | Bulgaria | €3,570.00 | |
166 | Jorden Verbraeken | Belgium | €3,570.00 | |
167 | Ismael Bojang | Germany | €3,570.00 | |
168 | Yuma Tominaga | Japan | €3,570.00 | |
169 | Gabriel Rymar | Poland | €3,570.00 | |
170 | Michal Mrakes | Czech Republic | €3,570.00 | |
171 | Michal Majtyka | Poland | €3,570.00 | |
172 | Masato Yokosawa | Japan | €3,570.00 | |
173 | Ion Tabacaru | Romania | €3,570.00 | |
174 | Marcin Lesniewski | Poland | €3,570.00 | |
175 | Attila Kassitzky | Hungary | €3,570.00 | |
176 | Markus Henter | Germany | €3,570.00 | |
177 | Ioannis Konstantinidis | Greece | €3,570.00 | |
178 | Nenad Dukic | Serbia | €3,570.00 | |
179 | Tomas Svec | Czech Republic | €3,570.00 | |
180 | Milad Oghabian | Netherlands | €3,570.00 | |
181 | Arie Kliper | Israel | €3,570.00 | |
182 | Ozgur Leba | Turkey | €3,570.00 | |
183 | Sylvain Riviere | France | €3,570.00 | |
184 | Giuseppe Zarbo | Italy | €3,570.00 | |
185 | Leonardo Mancuso | Italy | €3,150.00 | |
186 | Raz Tal | Israel | €3,150.00 | |
187 | Ehsan Amiri | Australia | €3,150.00 | |
188 | Unnamed Player | N/A | €3,150.00 | |
189 | Alvarez Petite | Spain | €3,150.00 | |
190 | Hamoun Habibi | Netherlands | €3,150.00 | |
191 | Marco Levato | Italy | €3,150.00 | |
192 | Giovanni Gaiulli | Italy | €3,150.00 | |
193 | Simas Karaliunas | Lithuania | €3,150.00 | |
194 | Thierry Lelouche | France | €3,150.00 | |
195 | Dominik Panka | Poland | €3,150.00 | |
196 | Jamie Flynn | Ireland | €3,150.00 | |
197 | Arnel Popovic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | €3,150.00 | |
198 | Didier Rabl | Switzerland | €3,150.00 | |
199 | Dara O’Kearney | Ireland | €3,150.00 | |
200 | Javier Fernandez | Spain | €3,150.00 | |
201 | Eric Joss | Switzerland | €3,150.00 | |
202 | Claudio Daffina | Italy | €3,150.00 | |
203 | Nicolas Vayssieres | France | €3,150.00 | |
204 | Adrian Simone | Italy | €3,150.00 | |
205 | Catalin-Marcel Popa | Romania | €3,150.00 | |
206 | Lavi Liraz | Israel | €3,150.00 | |
207 | Thomas Pedersen | Denmark | €3,150.00 | |
208 | Jaroslav Peter | Czech Republic | €3,150.00 | |
209 | Nedelcu Gabriel | Romania | €3,150.00 | |
210 | Yosefi Cohen | Israel | €3,150.00 | |
211 | Atanas Kavrakov | Bulgaria | €3,150.00 | |
212 | Daniel Lakerveld | Netherlands | €3,150.00 | |
213 | Laurent Amiard | France | €3,150.00 | |
214 | Milan Simko | Czech Republic | €3,150.00 | |
215 | Christos Xanthopoulos | Greece | €3,150.00 | |
216 | Clement Coquoin | France | €3,150.00 | |
217 | Tomas Saltonas | Lithuania | €3,150.00 | |
218 | Leonardo Parmiggiani | Italy | €3,150.00 | |
219 | Alessio Fratti | Italy | €3,150.00 | |
220 | Mickael Muselli | France | €3,150.00 | |
221 | Sebastian Malec | Poland | €3,150.00 | |
222 | Arturas Bliudzius | Lithuania | €3,150.00 | |
223 | Jeremy Sammartano | France | €3,150.00 | |
224 | Christian Marek | Austria | €3,150.00 | |
225 | Lukas Jebavy | Czech Republic | €2,790.00 | |
226 | Dany De Barros | Luxembourg | €2,790.00 | |
227 | Rafael Wacha | Austria | €2,790.00 | |
228 | Angel Pantov | Bulgaria | €2,790.00 | |
229 | Martin Sejer | Denmark | €2,790.00 | |
230 | Belmehel Daouadji | France | €2,790.00 | |
231 | David Hareuveni | Israel | €2,790.00 | |
232 | Anders Bisgaard | Denmark | €2,790.00 | |
233 | Ruben Wahnich | France | €2,790.00 | |
234 | Philipp Zimmermann | Switzerland | €2,790.00 | |
235 | Hrayr Grigoryan | Armenia | €2,790.00 | |
236 | Nicolas Bokowski | Germany | €2,790.00 | |
237 | Tamer Ibrahim | Egypt | €2,790.00 | |
238 | Stanislav Zegal | Austria | €2,790.00 | |
239 | Bozidar Miljkovic | Germany | €2,790.00 | |
240 | Luka Cencelj | Slovenia | €2,790.00 | |
241 | Tommi Lankinen | Finland | €2,790.00 | |
242 | Gavril Peter | Romania | €2,790.00 | |
243 | Michal Janczarski | Poland | €2,790.00 | |
244 | Vojtech Susta | Czech Republic | €2,790.00 | |
245 | Nelson Michelet | France | €2,790.00 | |
246 | Adriatik Agalliu | Germany | €2,790.00 | |
247 | Goran Lukac | Switzerland | €2,790.00 | |
248 | Jyrki Lampinen | Finland | €2,790.00 | |
249 | Volodymyr Kotlyk | Poland | €2,790.00 | |
250 | Martin Surovec | Czech Republic | €2,790.00 | |
251 | Lim-Wai Cheung | UK | €2,790.00 | |
252 | Justinas Sliavas | Lithuania | €2,790.00 | |
253 | Nick Botman | Netherlands | €2,790.00 | |
254 | Gal Bar | Israel | €2,790.00 | |
255 | Jakub Wojtas | Germany | €2,790.00 | |
256 | Salvatore Bonavena | Italy | €2,790.00 | |
257 | Clement Kerrien | Malta | €2,790.00 | |
258 | John Farrell | Ireland | €2,790.00 | |
259 | Vincenzo Pisano | Italy | €2,790.00 | |
260 | Axel Santoni | France | €2,790.00 | |
261 | Martin Bartos | Slovakia | €2,790.00 | |
262 | Emmanouil Chrysovergis | Greece | €2,790.00 | |
263 | Sven Krieger | Germany | €2,790.00 | |
264 | Christopher Ibold | Germany | €2,790.00 | |
265 | Colm Chan | Ireland | €2,790.00 | |
266 | Nikolai Tulin | Russia | €2,790.00 | |
267 | Anders Beckman | Sweden | €2,790.00 | |
268 | Alexandros Dranovitsas | Greece | €2,790.00 | |
269 | Mitjavila Moix | Spain | €2,790.00 | |
270 | David Farkas | Hungary | €2,790.00 | |
271 | Glen Hansen | Denmark | €2,790.00 | |
272 | Mauro Suriano | Italy | €2,790.00 | |
273 | Thomas Lentrodt | Germany | €2,450.00 | |
274 | David Katav | Israel | €2,450.00 | |
275 | Daniel Koloszar | Hungary | €2,450.00 | |
276 | Abd-Elkrim Bouziane | France | €2,450.00 | |
277 | Mirco Ferrini | Italy | €2,450.00 | |
278 | Levente Szabo | Hungary | €2,450.00 | |
279 | Monir Marie | Germany | €2,450.00 | |
280 | Ezequiel Waigel | Argentina | €2,450.00 | |
281 | Jon Martinez | Spain | €2,450.00 | |
282 | Corrado Martinelli | Italy | €2,450.00 | |
283 | Anze Smajd | Slovenia | €2,450.00 | |
284 | Ettore Esposito | Italy | €2,450.00 | |
285 | Serge Danis | Switzerland | €2,450.00 | |
286 | Stephane Minkov | France | €2,450.00 | |
287 | Geb Wagner | Germany | €2,450.00 | |
288 | Michal Schuh | Czech Republic | €2,450.00 | |
289 | Cyril Monbrun-Massot | France | €2,450.00 | |
290 | Giuseppe Tarsia | Italy | €2,450.00 | |
291 | Arnaud Enselme | France | €2,450.00 | |
292 | Quentin Roussey | France | €2,450.00 | |
293 | Jedrzej Gruszczynski | Poland | €2,450.00 | |
294 | Francois Gozzelino | France | €2,450.00 | |
295 | Rene Majed | Germany | €2,450.00 | |
296 | Mathieu Di Meglio | France | €2,450.00 | |
297 | Andrea Ricci | Italy | €2,450.00 | |
298 | Bo Bjork | Sweden | €2,450.00 | |
299 | Raoul Refos | Netherlands | €2,450.00 | |
300 | Vito Vella | Italy | €2,450.00 | |
301 | Kacper Pyzara | Poland | €2,450.00 | |
302 | Rafal Gontarczyk | Poland | €2,450.00 | |
303 | Mickael Thomas | France | €2,450.00 | |
304 | Henri Wagner | Finland | €2,450.00 | |
305 | Yannick Cardot | France | €2,450.00 | |
306 | Dragos Trofimov | Moldova | €2,450.00 | |
307 | Paul Gough | UK | €2,450.00 | |
308 | Josef Snejberg | Czech Republic | €2,450.00 | |
309 | Dalil Masaud | Belgium | €2,450.00 | |
310 | Ibrahim Senoussi | France | €2,450.00 | |
311 | Marton Lugosi | Hungary | €2,450.00 | |
312 | Omer Gabay | Israel | €2,450.00 | |
313 | Andreas Scheelen | Germany | €2,450.00 | |
314 | Szymon Bujok | Poland | €2,450.00 | |
315 | Pawel Zawadowicz | Poland | €2,450.00 | |
316 | Mohamed Madani | Germany | €2,450.00 | |
317 | Antonin Duda | Czech Republic | €2,450.00 | |
318 | Julien Galendo | France | €2,450.00 | |
319 | Pavel Chalupka | Slovakia | €2,450.00 | |
320 | Philippe Garnier | France | €2,450.00 | |
321 | Miroslav Forman | Czech Republic | €2,450.00 | |
322 | Gregory Telman | Israel | €2,450.00 | |
323 | Sergio Somma | Italy | €2,450.00 | |
324 | Filip Kusiewicz | Poland | €2,450.00 | |
325 | Denis Kevric | Germany | €2,450.00 | |
326 | Justin Tsui | UK | €2,450.00 | |
327 | Jean-Roch Testa | France | €2,450.00 | |
328 | Bartosz Jabłoński | Poland | €2,450.00 | |
329 | Antal Roth | Hungary | €2,150.00 | |
330 | Radoslaw Morawiec | Poland | €2,150.00 | |
331 | Antonio Scalzi | Italy | €2,150.00 | |
332 | Catello De Martino | Italy | €2,150.00 | |
333 | Marius Gicovanu | Romania | €2,150.00 | |
334 | Demetrio Caminita | Italy | €2,150.00 | |
335 | Yin Qiaofeng | Belgium | €2,150.00 | |
336 | Petroni Giovanni | Italy | €2,150.00 | |
337 | Jiri Havlena | Czech Republic | €2,150.00 | |
338 | Junhui Lee | South Korea | €2,150.00 | |
339 | Adam Grigor | Czech Republic | €2,150.00 | |
340 | David Singontiko | USA | €2,150.00 | |
341 | Yossi Dayan | Israel | €2,150.00 | |
342 | Dimitrios Amoiridis | Greece | €2,150.00 | |
343 | Arash Karimkhanzand | Germany | €2,150.00 | |
344 | Yves Soussan | France | €2,150.00 | |
345 | Nemanja Milovanovic | Serbia | €2,150.00 | |
346 | Christian Burger | Germany | €2,150.00 | |
347 | Jurgis Ragauskas | Lithuania | €2,150.00 | |
348 | Felix Kias | Germany | €2,150.00 | |
349 | Denis Mazerolle | Malta | €2,150.00 | |
350 | Christiaan Coppoolse | Netherlands | €2,150.00 | |
351 | Nicola Stagi | Italy | €2,150.00 | |
352 | Nikolaos Lampropoulos | Greece | €2,150.00 | |
353 | Kamil Sokol | Poland | €2,150.00 | |
354 | Justin Steinbrenner | Germany | €2,150.00 | |
355 | Kacper Swiderski | Poland | €2,150.00 | |
356 | Eldaras Rafijevas | Austria | €2,150.00 | |
357 | Krasimir Kurtev | Bulgaria | €2,150.00 | |
358 | Felix Weis | Luxembourg | €2,150.00 | |
359 | Oleg Bessaev | France | €2,150.00 | |
360 | Francesco Delfoco | Italy | €2,150.00 | |
361 | Michal Hryncewicz | Poland | €2,150.00 | |
362 | Jorge Ufano | Spain | €2,150.00 | |
363 | Dimitri Halliez | France | €2,150.00 | |
364 | Abdelkrim Chenoufi | France | €2,150.00 | |
365 | Helge Pedersen | Denmark | €2,150.00 | |
366 | Giacomo Tagliaro | Italy | €2,150.00 | |
367 | Francisco Ruiz | Mexico | €2,150.00 | |
368 | Radek Honl | Czech Republic | €2,150.00 | |
369 | Dmitrijs Azevskis | Latvia | €2,150.00 | |
370 | Lyudmil Ivanov | Bulgaria | €2,150.00 | |
371 | Alexis Andre | France | €2,150.00 | |
372 | Daniel De Almeida | Brazil | €2,150.00 | |
373 | Petar Kalev | Bulgaria | €2,150.00 | |
374 | Tomasz Chmiel | Poland | €2,150.00 | |
375 | Jason Tompkins | Ireland | €2,150.00 | |
376 | Gisle Olsen | Denmark | €2,150.00 | |
377 | Efraim Sagi | Israel | €2,150.00 | |
378 | Alexander Wodl | Austria | €2,150.00 | |
379 | Dean Clay | UK | €2,150.00 | |
380 | Bartosz Wesolek | Poland | €2,150.00 | |
381 | Benny Taieb | France | €2,150.00 | |
382 | Aleksi Naski | Finland | €2,150.00 | |
383 | Asad Klein | Germany | €2,150.00 | |
384 | Badre Al Ghouch | Netherlands | €2,150.00 | |
385 | Leith Rashid | Sweden | €1,910.00 | |
386 | Haile Kuo | Canada | €1,910.00 | |
387 | Aristidis Theodoridis | Greece | €1,910.00 | |
388 | Dimitrios Katsikas | Greece | €1,910.00 | |
389 | Mantas Urbonas | Lithuania | €1,910.00 | |
390 | Pascal van der Brand | Netherlands | €1,910.00 | |
391 | Fausto Tantillo | Italy | €1,910.00 | |
392 | Thi Nguyen | France | €1,910.00 | |
393 | Georgios Millis | Greece | €1,910.00 | |
394 | Richard O’Neill | Ireland | €1,910.00 | |
395 | Kjeld Skou | Denmark | €1,910.00 | |
396 | Daewoong Song | South Korea | €1,910.00 | |
397 | Cezar Oprea | Romania | €1,910.00 | |
398 | Luis Rodrigues | Portugal | €1,910.00 | |
399 | Andrea Virzi | Italy | €1,910.00 | |
400 | Serafim Kovalevskiy | Russia | €1,910.00 | |
401 | Arik Filstein | Israel | €1,910.00 | |
402 | Stephane Abehassera | France | €1,910.00 | |
403 | Georgios Vrakas | Greece | €1,910.00 | |
404 | Johan Schultz-Pedersen | Denmark | €1,910.00 | |
405 | Simeon Naydenov | Bulgaria | €1,910.00 | |
406 | Nicolas Burtin | France | €1,910.00 | |
407 | Antonio Calabro | Italy | €1,910.00 | |
408 | Robert Skopalik | Czech Republic | €1,910.00 | |
409 | Teun Mulder | Netherlands | €1,910.00 | |
410 | Giorgi Barabadze | Georgia | €1,910.00 | |
411 | David Sacksick | France | €1,910.00 | |
412 | Erwann Pecheux | France | €1,910.00 | |
413 | Claudio Di Giacomo | Italy | €1,910.00 | |
414 | Earl Hunter | USA | €1,910.00 | |
415 | Furkan Beg | Turkey | €1,910.00 | |
416 | Daniel Zadok | Israel | €1,910.00 | |
417 | Minh Tran | France | €1,910.00 | |
418 | Maarten Wichgers | Netherlands | €1,910.00 | |
419 | Theo Bijaoui | France | €1,910.00 | |
420 | Vincent Pahon | Switzerland | €1,910.00 | |
421 | Andreas Vlachos | Greece | €1,910.00 | |
422 | Lennart Dijkkamp | Netherlands | €1,910.00 | |
423 | Petr Targa | Czech Republic | €1,910.00 | |
424 | Imro Sendar | Netherlands | €1,910.00 | |
425 | Wojciech Stefanski | Poland | €1,910.00 | |
426 | Milen Stefanov | Bulgaria | €1,910.00 | |
427 | Igor Narajczyk | Poland | €1,910.00 | |
428 | Simon Horlacher | Germany | €1,910.00 | |
429 | Thomas de Rooij | Netherlands | €1,910.00 | |
430 | Charilaos Oustampasidis | Greece | €1,910.00 | |
431 | Erkan Soenmez | Turkey | €1,910.00 | |
432 | Milan Aloric | Serbia | €1,910.00 | |
433 | Youness Barakat | UK | €1,910.00 | |
434 | Simon Brandstrom | Sweden | €1,910.00 | |
435 | Christopher Putz | Austria | €1,910.00 | |
436 | Govand Amin | Sweden | €1,910.00 | |
437 | Andrej Tekel | Austria | €1,910.00 | |
438 | Jean Santoni | France | €1,910.00 | |
439 | Patrick Bechard | France | €1,910.00 | |
440 | Jannik Bengtsen | Denmark | €1,910.00 | |
441 | Ercan Hasan | Turkey | €1,910.00 | |
442 | Giannopollos Konstantinos | Greece | €1,910.00 | |
443 | Gheorghe Caplescu | Romania | €1,910.00 | |
444 | Enrico Mosca | Italy | €1,910.00 | |
445 | Tim Niefer | Germany | €1,910.00 | |
446 | Jan Bendik | Slovakia | €1,910.00 | |
447 | Matteo Sarais | Italy | €1,910.00 | |
448 | Mads Retz | Denmark | €1,910.00 | |
449 | Guido Presti | Italy | €1,700.00 | |
450 | Leandro Ruy | Brazil | €1,700.00 | |
451 | Martin Bicanik | Czech Republic | €1,700.00 | |
452 | Karolis Sereika | Lithuania | €1,700.00 | |
453 | Calvin Tom | Germany | €1,700.00 | |
454 | John Mooney | UK | €1,700.00 | |
455 | Arne Coulier | Belgium | €1,700.00 | |
456 | Ivan Deyra | France | €1,700.00 | |
457 | Thomas Quaade | Denmark | €1,700.00 | |
458 | Albert Sapiano | UK | €1,700.00 | |
459 | Hubert Matuszewski | Poland | €1,700.00 | |
460 | Stefan Fabian | Romania | €1,700.00 | |
461 | Christoph Cajochen | Switzerland | €1,700.00 | |
462 | Frederico Dos Santos | Portugal | €1,700.00 | |
463 | Jarosław Kosmaty | Poland | €1,700.00 | |
464 | Florian Ahlmer | Germany | €1,700.00 | |
465 | Simone Miracoli | Italy | €1,700.00 | |
466 | Davide Suriano | Italy | €1,700.00 | |
467 | Andrei Roscan | Romania | €1,700.00 | |
468 | Thales Anis Salomao | Italy | €1,700.00 | |
469 | Manuel Fischer | Austria | €1,700.00 |