Das $1.100 Eureka Poker Tour Main Event der PokerStars European Poker Tour (EPT) Cyprus im Merit Royal Hotel & Casino sorgte auch an den letzten beiden Starttagen für ein richtig volles Haus und mit 2.659 Entries ist es das drittgrößte Eureka Main Event in der Geschichte der Tour.
Schon nach den ersten beiden Flights war die 1.000er Marke klar übertroffen gewesen. Gestern ging es dann in Tag 1C (30k/40′) und Tag 1D (30k/30′) und beide Heats waren mit 1.044 bzw. 532 Entries sehr gut besucht. Insgesamt kam man so auf 2.659 Entries, was nach den beiden Eureka Main Events letztes Jahr in Prag (4.017 bzw. 3.155 Entries) das drittgrößte Eureka Main Event in der Geschichte mit einem Preispool von $2.552.640 bedeutete. Die Re-Entry Option war auch bei der Eureka Zypern begehrt, es waren 1.146 Starter, die mit ihren 1.513 Re-Entries für das große Feld sorgten. Die Übersicht der Flights:
1A | 1B | 1C | 1D | gesamt | |
Entries | 717 | 366 | 1044 | 532 | 2659 |
left | 108 | 55 | 156 | 80 | 399 |
Die DACHs waren auch gestern wieder sehr zahlreich vertreten, viele bekannte Namen waren an den Tischen zu finden, darunter auch Hannes Jeschka, Fabian Niederreiter, Frederik Thiemer, Konstantin Färber, Tom Fuchs, Adi Rajkovic, Daniel und Armin Rezaei, Andreas Fröhli, Klemens Roiter, Lukas Hafner, Stefan Lehner, Leon Sturm, Maximilian Silz, Konstantin Held, Fabian Gumz und viele mehr.
Insgesamt brachten es die DACHs bei diesem Event auf 77 Teilnehmer (60/13/4), Deutschland ist nach Russland, der Türkei, Zypern und dem Libanon fünftstärkste Nation.
Beide Heats wurden auch gestern wieder ins Geld gespielt und so konnten 156 bzw. 80 Spieler Chips einpacken. Tag 1C sicherte sich Gaelle Baumann, die als einzige mit 1.007.000 Chips die Millionengrenze durchbrechen konnte und sich so auch die Gesamtwertung holte. Viele ihrer Chips kamen aus einem Pot gegen Alexander Shelukhin, als sie auf dem Board mit die Straight hielt und Shelukhin mit seinem Set 9s all-in war. Platz 2 in der Gesamtwertung hat Boris Angelov, der sich Tag 1D mit 964.000 Chips sichern konnte. Die besten Deutschen sind David Kaufmann und Metin Yalciner auf Rang 24 und 25 mit jeweils 474.000 Chips. Alle DACHs in Tag 2:
Rnag | Name | Country | Chips | Table | Seat |
24 | David Kaufmann | Germany | 474.000 | 30 | 4 |
25 | Metin Yalciner | Germany | 474.000 | 31 | 1 |
37 | Dietrich Fast | Germany | 401.000 | 15 | 5 |
62 | Jorg Schneegass | Germany | 338.000 | 11 | 5 |
68 | Nils Pudel | Germany | 328.000 | 38 | 8 |
71 | Stefan Lehner | Austria | 322.000 | 18 | 6 |
76 | Leon Fischer | Germany | 307.000 | 15 | 3 |
116 | Sebastian Schulze | Germany | 253.000 | 31 | 3 |
131 | Daniel Smiljkovic | Germany | 230.000 | 24 | 4 |
145 | Ali Abdulzahra | Germany | 218.000 | 4 | 2 |
149 | Alexander Kell | Germany | 214.000 | 49 | 5 |
159 | Eugen Sel | Germany | 203.000 | 12 | 8 |
174 | Henrik Brockmann | Germany | 185.000 | 6 | 6 |
181 | Konstantin Farber | Germany | 180.000 | 36 | 3 |
195 | Robert Heidorn | Germany | 165.000 | 18 | 2 |
214 | Kurt Radinger | Austria | 146.000 | 5 | 5 |
220 | Erik Bauer | Austria | 141.000 | 13 | 8 |
226 | Tom Fuchs | Germany | 139.000 | 22 | 3 |
240 | Frank Habermann | Germany | 125.000 | 19 | 5 |
241 | Daniel Rezaei | Austria | 125.000 | 32 | 4 |
242 | Christian Rudolph | Germany | 123.000 | 7 | 8 |
267 | Eugen Fritzler | Germany | 108.000 | 42 | 4 |
276 | Bernhard Binder | Austria | 104.000 | 9 | 3 |
277 | Norbert Seefeldt | Germany | 104.000 | 14 | 2 |
278 | Alexander Tkatschew | Germany | 104.000 | 14 | 4 |
285 | Rene Hochmuth | Germany | 101.000 | 22 | 5 |
304 | Robert Schulz | Germany | 88.000 | 28 | 1 |
324 | Peter Jobelius | Germany | 71.000 | 5 | 6 |
329 | Florian Roski | Germany | 70.000 | 43 | 3 |
335 | Deniz Maska | Germany | 65.000 | 47 | 8 |
341 | Stefan Reiser | Germany | 62.000 | 6 | 1 |
364 | Alexandra Radinger | Austria | 46.000 | 25 | 7 |
371 | Mathias Bayer | Germany | 43.000 | 42 | 2 |
392 | Thomas Maier | Germany | 23.000 | 40 | 6 |
394 | Jessica Teusl | Austria | 22.000 | 16 | 1 |
Bei den Blinds 3k/6k/6k geht es heute in Tag 2, zum Start gibt es die Preisgeldaufteilung für die 399 Entries. Die Coverage zum Event gibt es auf Pokernews, alles Weitere zum Event unter pokerstarslive.com.
Eureka Cyprus Main Event Seat Draw Tag 2:
Rnag | Name | Country | Chips | Table | Seat |
1 | Gaelle Baumann | France | 1.007.000 | 12 | 1 |
2 | Boris Angelov | Bulgaria | 964.000 | 37 | 1 |
3 | Walter Treccarichi | Italy | 734.000 | 50 | 6 |
4 | Carl Shaw | United Kingdom | 703.000 | 9 | 4 |
5 | Alexandr Dusco | Moldova | 696.000 | 23 | 5 |
6 | Andre Sammour | Lebanon | 691.000 | 21 | 2 |
7 | Milen Stefanov | Bulgaria | 676.000 | 30 | 5 |
8 | Giorgiy Skhulukhiya | Russia | 669.000 | 3 | 8 |
9 | Oleg Ustinovich | Russia | 628.000 | 6 | 3 |
10 | Eros Calderone | Italy | 604.000 | 43 | 1 |
11 | Karen Nazarian | Russia | 575.000 | 42 | 3 |
12 | Vladas Tamasauskas | Lithuania | 546.000 | 43 | 5 |
13 | Dmitrii Kopyl | Russia | 537.000 | 2 | 1 |
14 | Adam Rayhaan | South Africa | 531.000 | 25 | 8 |
15 | Jason Wheeler | USA | 527.000 | 3 | 1 |
16 | Azizjon Rakhimov | Uzbekistan | 521.000 | 49 | 1 |
17 | Valeriy Pak | Uzbekistan | 511.000 | 30 | 2 |
18 | Marc Foggin | United Kingdom | 495.000 | 32 | 6 |
19 | Steve O’Dwyer | Ireland | 487.000 | 16 | 5 |
20 | Rachid El Yaacoubi | France | 482.000 | 1 | 1 |
21 | Mark Helou | Lebanon | 480.000 | 34 | 3 |
22 | Alain El-Hajj | France | 475.000 | 12 | 4 |
23 | Christopher Rossos | Cyprus | 475.000 | 27 | 5 |
24 | David Kaufmann | Germany | 474.000 | 30 | 4 |
25 | Metin Yalciner | Germany | 474.000 | 31 | 1 |
26 | Shuang Luo | China | 467.000 | 37 | 3 |
27 | Ian Hamilton | United Kingdom | 461.000 | 2 | 4 |
28 | Abdullah Turan | Turkey | 457.000 | 12 | 2 |
29 | Alexandre Moreau | France | 450.000 | 8 | 1 |
30 | Atanas Pavlov | Bulgaria | 448.000 | 37 | 7 |
31 | Federico Macori | Italy | 446.000 | 35 | 1 |
32 | Mehmet Demirkol | Turkey | 431.000 | 50 | 4 |
33 | Stanislav Tishkevich | Israel | 428.000 | 7 | 3 |
34 | Gerard Carbo | Spain | 425.000 | 26 | 7 |
35 | Jelle Moene | Netherlands | 412.000 | 46 | 1 |
36 | Daniel Montagnolli | USA | 403.000 | 33 | 7 |
37 | Dietrich Fast | Germany | 401.000 | 15 | 5 |
38 | Christos Fatta | Cyprus | 397.000 | 16 | 4 |
39 | Farshad Rahili | Turkey | 396.000 | 23 | 2 |
40 | Javier Rodriguez Gonzalez | Spain | 394.000 | 23 | 3 |
41 | Ramon Kropmanns | Brazil | 390.000 | 30 | 8 |
42 | Viktor Iarilov | Russia | 389.000 | 35 | 6 |
43 | Martin Ilavsky | Slovakia | 388.000 | 28 | 7 |
44 | Diego Rodriguez Gonzalez | Spain | 388.000 | 44 | 7 |
45 | Kairat Turaliyev | Kazakhstan | 382.000 | 20 | 1 |
46 | Petre Ionescu | Romania | 378.000 | 13 | 3 |
47 | Marcelo Bonanata | Uruguay | 374.000 | 28 | 8 |
48 | Andreas Tomazou | Cyprus | 374.000 | 46 | 4 |
49 | Anthony Khouzami | Lebanon | 366.000 | 3 | 4 |
50 | Sergei Bagirov | Russia | 366.000 | 16 | 8 |
51 | Anthony Kennedy | United Kingdom | 366.000 | 35 | 7 |
52 | Andreas Christoforou | Cyprus | 365.000 | 39 | 1 |
53 | Damian Rapanowicz | Poland | 364.000 | 41 | 4 |
54 | Roman Ialovega | Russia | 358.000 | 41 | 5 |
55 | Alessio Isaia | Italy | 356.000 | 15 | 6 |
56 | Can Miral | Turkey | 353.000 | 14 | 7 |
57 | Florian Guimond | France | 349.000 | 19 | 7 |
58 | Sofianos Vergitsis | Greece | 349.000 | 20 | 3 |
59 | Bogdan-Andrei Munteanu | Romania | 347.000 | 35 | 4 |
60 | Oleg Netaliev | Russia | 347.000 | 37 | 4 |
61 | Rui Bouquet | Portugal | 346.000 | 26 | 4 |
62 | Jorg Schneegass | Germany | 338.000 | 11 | 5 |
63 | Ankit Ahuja | India | 334.000 | 19 | 2 |
64 | Luis Pinho De Faria | Portugal | 333.000 | 23 | 8 |
65 | Quan Zhou | Hong Kong | 330.000 | 27 | 1 |
66 | Serghei Lisii | Russia | 330.000 | 35 | 8 |
67 | Ehsan Amiri | Australia | 329.000 | 4 | 4 |
68 | Nils Pudel | Germany | 328.000 | 38 | 8 |
69 | Georgios Vrakas | Greece | 327.000 | 18 | 5 |
70 | Eduard Bagrov | Armenia | 323.000 | 34 | 7 |
71 | Stefan Lehner | Austria | 322.000 | 18 | 6 |
72 | Yunsheng Sun | Hong Kong | 316.000 | 9 | 5 |
73 | Cornelis van Gent | Netherlands | 316.000 | 38 | 2 |
74 | Daniel Kyosev | Bulgaria | 313.000 | 20 | 5 |
75 | Gary Miller | United Kingdom | 310.000 | 9 | 1 |
76 | Leon Fischer | Germany | 307.000 | 15 | 3 |
77 | Mehmet Deniz | Turkey | 307.000 | 16 | 2 |
78 | Senol Ardic | France | 306.000 | 29 | 5 |
79 | Tamas Adamszki | Hungary | 303.000 | 7 | 7 |
80 | Damir Gabdullin | Russia | 301.000 | 15 | 2 |
81 | Ivan Zhechev | Bulgaria | 300.000 | 6 | 2 |
82 | Alfredo Versace | Italy | 299.000 | 21 | 5 |
83 | Razvan Sabau | Romania | 299.000 | 45 | 6 |
84 | Aurelien Russo | France | 298.000 | 19 | 1 |
85 | Valerii Kalynych | Ukraine | 298.000 | 44 | 4 |
86 | Hwany Lee | South Korea | 294.000 | 40 | 3 |
87 | Roman Gadzhiev | Russia | 289.000 | 1 | 5 |
88 | Guray Turkay | Turkey | 287.000 | 11 | 3 |
89 | Hossein Zolghadriha | Iran | 287.000 | 17 | 5 |
90 | Dennis Boyette | USA | 286.000 | 23 | 1 |
91 | Karolis Sereika | Lithuania | 285.000 | 8 | 3 |
92 | Bogdan Berinde | Romania | 283.000 | 40 | 8 |
93 | Boris Kolev | Bulgaria | 283.000 | 44 | 1 |
94 | Aleksandar Tot | Montenegro | 282.000 | 4 | 8 |
95 | Luka Bojovic | Serbia | 278.000 | 5 | 4 |
96 | Gilles Simon | Netherlands | 278.000 | 29 | 7 |
97 | Zakhar Ivanchik | Russia | 275.000 | 6 | 5 |
98 | Dauren Zhaparov | Kazakhstan | 273.000 | 17 | 3 |
99 | Andrei Kaigorodtsev | Russia | 269.000 | 24 | 7 |
100 | Giovani Tore | Portugal | 268.000 | 3 | 3 |
101 | Oleg Furman | Israel | 267.000 | 9 | 7 |
102 | Tahsin Cankurtaranli | Turkey | 267.000 | 34 | 1 |
103 | George-Mircea Tomescu | Romania | 267.000 | 41 | 6 |
104 | Andrei Bocharnikov | Russia | 265.000 | 36 | 5 |
105 | Jovan Kenjic | Serbia | 264.000 | 17 | 8 |
106 | Nikolay Baryshnikov | Russia | 262.000 | 38 | 3 |
107 | Sergey Baranski | Belarus | 262.000 | 43 | 4 |
108 | Mircea Flutur | Romania | 261.000 | 4 | 5 |
109 | Ali Al-Kubasi | Iraq | 260.000 | 9 | 6 |
110 | Steven Warburton | United Kingdom | 260.000 | 18 | 7 |
111 | Ran Azor | Israel | 257.000 | 19 | 4 |
112 | Hossien Taki | United Kingdom | 256.000 | 33 | 8 |
113 | Nikolay Ponomarenko | Russia | 255.000 | 17 | 1 |
114 | Ali Hassan | Lebanon | 254.000 | 11 | 8 |
115 | Michael Goossens | Belgium | 253.000 | 26 | 1 |
116 | Sebastian Schulze | Germany | 253.000 | 31 | 3 |
117 | Nikita Kalinin | Russia | 250.000 | 9 | 8 |
118 | Zaid Noori | Iraq | 250.000 | 49 | 2 |
119 | Georgios Panayides | Cyprus | 248.000 | 16 | 3 |
120 | Nemanja Lukovic | Serbia | 247.000 | 8 | 2 |
121 | Alexandre Pruneau | Canada | 247.000 | 47 | 3 |
122 | Mark Shehata | Egypt | 245.000 | 5 | 7 |
123 | Halef Celik | Turkey | 244.000 | 10 | 6 |
124 | Grzegorz Kozieja | Poland | 244.000 | 31 | 4 |
125 | Nicolay Langfeldt | Norway | 243.000 | 42 | 6 |
126 | Soraya Estrada | Spain | 240.000 | 29 | 4 |
127 | Aleksandar Stojadinovic | Serbia | 239.000 | 27 | 2 |
128 | Valentin Anghel | Romania | 234.000 | 7 | 2 |
129 | Joris Ruijs | Netherlands | 234.000 | 28 | 4 |
130 | Ara Melkistian | Lebanon | 233.000 | 13 | 5 |
131 | Daniel Smiljkovic | Germany | 230.000 | 24 | 4 |
132 | Denis Zelenkin | Russia | 228.000 | 20 | 6 |
133 | Lucien Cohen | France | 227.000 | 44 | 8 |
134 | Alessio Albore | Italy | 226.000 | 6 | 4 |
135 | Iraklis Manikaros | Greece | 226.000 | 49 | 7 |
136 | Joseph Sabe | Lebanon | 224.000 | 33 | 5 |
137 | Taras Khilko | Ukraine | 224.000 | 38 | 6 |
138 | Aleksandar Zivkovic | Serbia | 223.000 | 42 | 1 |
139 | Simone Andrian | Italy | 222.000 | 16 | 6 |
140 | Thomas Santerne | France | 222.000 | 36 | 7 |
141 | Simon Wiciak | France | 221.000 | 32 | 5 |
142 | Teodor Evstratiev | Bulgaria | 221.000 | 43 | 2 |
143 | Andrei Cherkashin | Russia | 221.000 | 47 | 7 |
144 | Onur Ozgur | Turkey | 219.000 | 18 | 8 |
145 | Ali Abdulzahra | Germany | 218.000 | 4 | 2 |
146 | Nikolai Mamut | Russia | 217.000 | 22 | 8 |
147 | Georgios Vakis | Cyprus | 216.000 | 21 | 1 |
148 | Silviu Baltateanu | Romania | 215.000 | 3 | 5 |
149 | Alexander Kell | Germany | 214.000 | 49 | 5 |
150 | Sayed Mahmoud | Lebanon | 213.000 | 44 | 5 |
151 | Braz Borges | Portugal | 209.000 | 50 | 2 |
152 | Seyedali Hosseinirami | Iran | 208.000 | 10 | 2 |
153 | Eduard Norel | Romania | 207.000 | 7 | 6 |
154 | Andrey Andreev | Russia | 207.000 | 48 | 7 |
155 | Marcin Dziubdziela | Poland | 206.000 | 3 | 7 |
156 | Cosimo Marrone | Italy | 206.000 | 37 | 6 |
157 | Ivan Chetin | Russia | 206.000 | 47 | 1 |
158 | Aksel Aygun | Belgium | 205.000 | 4 | 7 |
159 | Eugen Sel | Germany | 203.000 | 12 | 8 |
160 | Mykhailo Demydenko | Ukraine | 202.000 | 28 | 3 |
161 | Marios Pavlou | Cyprus | 201.000 | 28 | 2 |
162 | Georgios Tsouloftas | Cyprus | 199.000 | 40 | 2 |
163 | Gaetan Balleur | France | 198.000 | 5 | 8 |
164 | Cecile Ticherfatine | France | 197.000 | 17 | 4 |
165 | Mihaita Croitoru | Romania | 197.000 | 39 | 4 |
166 | Vadzim Godzdanker | Belarus | 196.000 | 40 | 5 |
167 | Araz Azady | Iran | 195.000 | 5 | 1 |
168 | Kuljinder Sidhu | United Kingdom | 195.000 | 22 | 7 |
169 | Haddad Ramez | Lebanon | 195.000 | 39 | 3 |
170 | Marius Kjaerstad | Norway | 193.000 | 48 | 4 |
171 | Milos Skrbic | Serbia | 192.000 | 22 | 6 |
172 | Rafic Rebeiz | Lebanon | 190.000 | 25 | 6 |
173 | Aurelie Reard | France | 187.000 | 45 | 3 |
174 | Henrik Brockmann | Germany | 185.000 | 6 | 6 |
175 | Semen Kravets | Russia | 185.000 | 50 | 1 |
176 | Antoine Labaky | Lebanon | 183.000 | 13 | 2 |
177 | Chakib Mhiri | Tunisia | 183.000 | 35 | 5 |
178 | Ignas Jasinevicius | Lithuania | 182.000 | 43 | 8 |
179 | Alexander Lynskey | Australia | 181.000 | 19 | 6 |
180 | Ionut Alexoaei | Romania | 180.000 | 14 | 1 |
181 | Konstantin Farber | Germany | 180.000 | 36 | 3 |
182 | Sergey Tsay | Kazakhstan | 180.000 | 48 | 6 |
183 | Okan Kurumoglu | Turkey | 179.000 | 2 | 3 |
184 | Eimantas Venckus | Lithuania | 179.000 | 13 | 7 |
185 | Ivan Tukmachev | Russia | 178.000 | 13 | 6 |
186 | Hakan Pamukcu | Turkey | 178.000 | 28 | 5 |
187 | Andras Matrai | Hungary | 178.000 | 38 | 7 |
188 | Michel Atallah | Cyprus | 176.000 | 49 | 4 |
189 | Kerem Turuskan | Turkey | 173.000 | 25 | 4 |
190 | Andrzej Marczykowski | Poland | 172.000 | 32 | 1 |
191 | Vasyl Laba | Ukraine | 171.000 | 48 | 8 |
192 | Vladislav Naumov | Russia | 171.000 | 50 | 3 |
193 | Mario Menicanin | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 167.000 | 27 | 4 |
194 | Henok Tekle | Netherlands | 166.000 | 25 | 5 |
195 | Robert Heidorn | Germany | 165.000 | 18 | 2 |
196 | Michele Guerrini | Italy | 164.000 | 22 | 1 |
197 | Mauricio Salazar Sanchez | Colombia | 163.000 | 25 | 1 |
198 | Robert-Andrei Burlacu | Romania | 163.000 | 26 | 5 |
199 | Roman Nuraev | Russia | 162.000 | 46 | 8 |
200 | Ebrahim Ehghaghi | Iran | 161.000 | 1 | 4 |
201 | Tudorel Costache | Romania | 161.000 | 5 | 3 |
202 | Lucas Seire | Finland | 161.000 | 10 | 4 |
203 | Alisa Sibgatova | Russia | 161.000 | 24 | 2 |
204 | Arsenii Karmatckii | Russia | 158.000 | 22 | 4 |
205 | Dylan Destefano | USA | 157.000 | 34 | 8 |
206 | Darko Svesko | Serbia | 156.000 | 34 | 6 |
207 | Nikola Gunchev | Bulgaria | 155.000 | 46 | 2 |
208 | Sergei Petrushevskii | Russia | 155.000 | 48 | 2 |
209 | Andrei Vavilonskii | Russia | 153.000 | 32 | 7 |
210 | Aleksandr Burov | Russia | 153.000 | 38 | 1 |
211 | Bojan Berberovic | Serbia | 153.000 | 46 | 7 |
212 | Riccardo Trevisani | Italy | 152.000 | 26 | 2 |
213 | Alfred Karam | Lebanon | 150.000 | 44 | 3 |
214 | Kurt Radinger | Austria | 146.000 | 5 | 5 |
215 | Georges Ghossan | Lebanon | 145.000 | 4 | 1 |
216 | Alexane Najchaus | France | 145.000 | 24 | 3 |
217 | Daniel Nagy | Hungary | 143.000 | 26 | 8 |
218 | Aleksandr Denisov | Russia | 143.000 | 32 | 2 |
219 | Grigorii Rodin | Russia | 141.000 | 11 | 4 |
220 | Erik Bauer | Austria | 141.000 | 13 | 8 |
221 | Tomas Patka | Slovakia | 141.000 | 28 | 6 |
222 | Tolga Sivritepe | Turkey | 141.000 | 48 | 1 |
223 | Tonino Cardia | Italy | 140.000 | 45 | 1 |
224 | Delrouz Babak | Turkey | 139.000 | 1 | 8 |
225 | Milos Vaskovic | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 139.000 | 7 | 5 |
226 | Tom Fuchs | Germany | 139.000 | 22 | 3 |
227 | Huseyin Kaba | Turkey | 138.000 | 34 | 4 |
228 | Georgy Komarov | Russia | 136.000 | 47 | 6 |
229 | Sahab Saberikakhki | Turkey | 135.000 | 31 | 6 |
230 | Anatoly Chen | Russia | 134.000 | 21 | 8 |
231 | Johnny Nedved | Belgium | 133.000 | 20 | 7 |
232 | Nikita Voznesenskiy | Russia | 132.000 | 26 | 6 |
233 | Francisco Benitez | Uruguay | 131.000 | 30 | 7 |
234 | Fabio Romeo | Italy | 130.000 | 10 | 3 |
235 | Andrey Koks | Estonia | 130.000 | 20 | 8 |
236 | Darius Svirskas | Lithuania | 129.000 | 8 | 7 |
237 | Alain Zeidan | Lebanon | 128.000 | 23 | 4 |
238 | Victoria Livschitz | USA | 128.000 | 45 | 5 |
239 | Mitchell Johnson | United Kingdom | 127.000 | 47 | 4 |
240 | Frank Habermann | Germany | 125.000 | 19 | 5 |
241 | Daniel Rezaei | Austria | 125.000 | 32 | 4 |
242 | Christian Rudolph | Germany | 123.000 | 7 | 8 |
243 | Majid Alsuwaidi | United Arab Emirates | 122.000 | 36 | 1 |
244 | Reza Amini | Iran | 121.000 | 33 | 1 |
245 | Victor Yugay | Uzbekistan | 121.000 | 39 | 8 |
246 | Farbod Nazari | Iran | 120.000 | 2 | 7 |
247 | Onur Hazinedar | Turkey | 120.000 | 17 | 6 |
248 | Ihor Kaliahin | Ukraine | 120.000 | 46 | 6 |
249 | Julio Ribeiro | Portugal | 119.000 | 29 | 2 |
250 | Juan Lamprea | Canada | 119.000 | 40 | 4 |
251 | Brandon Leetz | United Kingdom | 116.000 | 45 | 4 |
252 | Antoine Vranken | Netherlands | 115.000 | 7 | 4 |
253 | Piotr Wroblewski | Poland | 115.000 | 41 | 8 |
254 | Tom Middleton | United Kingdom | 114.000 | 30 | 6 |
255 | Emrah Akcay | Turkey | 114.000 | 36 | 4 |
256 | Allan Sannier | France | 112.000 | 18 | 4 |
257 | Andreas Mavrikiou | Cyprus | 112.000 | 34 | 2 |
258 | Louka Ioannis | Cyprus | 112.000 | 45 | 7 |
259 | Andre Marques | Portugal | 112.000 | 48 | 5 |
260 | Karim Khawla | Lebanon | 110.000 | 11 | 6 |
261 | Bakhos Alalam | Lebanon | 110.000 | 14 | 5 |
262 | Okan Karaarslan | Turkey | 110.000 | 42 | 7 |
263 | Polad Akhmedov | Turkey | 110.000 | 50 | 7 |
264 | Guillermo Gordo | Poland | 109.000 | 15 | 7 |
265 | Amir Etemad | Iran | 108.000 | 22 | 2 |
266 | Michael Dichter | France | 108.000 | 41 | 2 |
267 | Eugen Fritzler | Germany | 108.000 | 42 | 4 |
268 | Jack Sinclair | United Kingdom | 108.000 | 45 | 8 |
269 | Yury Masliankou | Belarus | 107.000 | 9 | 2 |
270 | Mehdi Chaoui | Morocco | 107.000 | 30 | 3 |
271 | Yigit Aksoy | Turkey | 106.000 | 8 | 8 |
272 | Ilia Drobin | Russia | 105.000 | 8 | 5 |
273 | Sener Zafer | Turkey | 105.000 | 12 | 6 |
274 | Yuriy Kim | Uzbekistan | 105.000 | 17 | 2 |
275 | Nikolaos Lampropoulos | Greece | 105.000 | 31 | 5 |
276 | Bernhard Binder | Austria | 104.000 | 9 | 3 |
277 | Norbert Seefeldt | Germany | 104.000 | 14 | 2 |
278 | Alexander Tkatschew | Germany | 104.000 | 14 | 4 |
279 | Marcin Kreft | Poland | 103.000 | 2 | 2 |
280 | Daniil Shalaev | Russia | 103.000 | 41 | 3 |
281 | Bulent Sahin | Turkey | 102.000 | 13 | 4 |
282 | Arsem Asikoglu | United Kingdom | 102.000 | 48 | 3 |
283 | Marcin Zawadzki | Poland | 101.000 | 14 | 3 |
284 | Mikhail Katukhin | Russia | 101.000 | 15 | 1 |
285 | Rene Hochmuth | Germany | 101.000 | 22 | 5 |
286 | Remus Blebea | Romania | 100.000 | 3 | 2 |
287 | Jinho Hong | South Korea | 100.000 | 6 | 8 |
288 | Dmitry Gromov | Russia | 100.000 | 50 | 8 |
289 | Nikita Kuznetsov | Russia | 99.000 | 35 | 3 |
290 | Killian Braud-Chevalier | France | 95.000 | 10 | 7 |
291 | Koray Korkmaz | Turkey | 94.000 | 10 | 1 |
292 | Bogdan Jontulovic | Serbia | 94.000 | 13 | 1 |
293 | Atanas Kodinov | Bulgaria | 93.000 | 19 | 8 |
294 | Nicolas Dumont | France | 92.000 | 21 | 3 |
295 | Abulmuhsin Aydin | France | 92.000 | 24 | 1 |
296 | Tom Vogelsang | Netherlands | 92.000 | 29 | 8 |
297 | Cheng Zhao | China | 91.000 | 44 | 2 |
298 | Nihat Karyagdi | Romania | 90.000 | 15 | 8 |
299 | Ekrem Sanioglu | Turkey | 90.000 | 38 | 4 |
300 | Yiannis Liperis | Cyprus | 89.000 | 10 | 5 |
301 | Roelof Pepping | Netherlands | 89.000 | 17 | 7 |
302 | Suleyman Kirecci | Turkey | 89.000 | 29 | 1 |
303 | Leonid Orman | Russia | 88.000 | 27 | 6 |
304 | Robert Schulz | Germany | 88.000 | 28 | 1 |
305 | Ivaylo Sivinov | Bulgaria | 87.000 | 42 | 8 |
306 | Pascal Vos | Netherlands | 87.000 | 46 | 3 |
307 | Zhewen Hu | Hong Kong | 86.000 | 24 | 6 |
308 | Umit Sadi | Turkey | 85.000 | 12 | 3 |
309 | Andrei Teodorescu | Romania | 85.000 | 29 | 3 |
310 | Elie Yammine | Lebanon | 85.000 | 34 | 5 |
311 | Stelios Orphanides | Cyprus | 84.000 | 33 | 4 |
312 | Paul McLoughlin | United Kingdom | 83.000 | 41 | 1 |
313 | Timur Kurbanov | Belarus | 81.000 | 37 | 2 |
314 | Suhan Guler | Turkey | 78.000 | 6 | 7 |
315 | Florian-Dimitrie Duta | Romania | 78.000 | 46 | 5 |
316 | Ozcan Ahmet | United Kingdom | 77.000 | 23 | 6 |
317 | Nariman Yaghmai | Iran | 77.000 | 27 | 8 |
318 | Michel Georges | Lebanon | 77.000 | 47 | 2 |
319 | Sercan Okten | Turkey | 76.000 | 19 | 3 |
320 | Nuno Fernandes | Portugal | 75.000 | 7 | 1 |
321 | Piotr Wiecek | Poland | 75.000 | 20 | 2 |
322 | Onur Demirci | Turkey | 75.000 | 21 | 7 |
323 | Kenny Hallaert | Belgium | 75.000 | 41 | 7 |
324 | Peter Jobelius | Germany | 71.000 | 5 | 6 |
325 | Idan Baranes | Israel | 71.000 | 36 | 2 |
326 | Tobias Peters | Netherlands | 71.000 | 40 | 7 |
327 | Anton Kuznetsov | Russia | 71.000 | 43 | 6 |
328 | Enis Yuda | Turkey | 70.000 | 18 | 1 |
329 | Florian Roski | Germany | 70.000 | 43 | 3 |
330 | Majid Ejlal | Iran | 69.000 | 20 | 4 |
331 | Alexey Popov | Russia | 69.000 | 29 | 6 |
332 | Adrian Dan | Romania | 68.000 | 2 | 6 |
333 | Mihai Trofim | Moldova | 68.000 | 31 | 2 |
334 | Dmitrii Levin | Russia | 65.000 | 14 | 6 |
335 | Deniz Maska | Germany | 65.000 | 47 | 8 |
336 | Pedro Gois Neves | Portugal | 64.000 | 3 | 6 |
337 | Michele D’Angelo | Italy | 64.000 | 31 | 8 |
338 | Toru Ida | Japan | 63.000 | 27 | 7 |
339 | Igor Dorozhkin | Russia | 63.000 | 39 | 2 |
340 | Alik Zazian | Russia | 63.000 | 45 | 2 |
341 | Stefan Reiser | Germany | 62.000 | 6 | 1 |
342 | Patrick Chambers | United Kingdom | 61.000 | 1 | 7 |
343 | Stefano Pizzuti | Italy | 61.000 | 11 | 2 |
344 | Allan Vicentainer | Brazil | 61.000 | 36 | 6 |
345 | Emin Mugulov | Russia | 59.000 | 10 | 8 |
346 | Marko Pantelic | Serbia | 59.000 | 33 | 2 |
347 | Nicolas Chouity | Lebanon | 58.000 | 8 | 4 |
348 | Samuel Mullur | France | 58.000 | 12 | 5 |
349 | Baurzhan Akimov | Kazakhstan | 58.000 | 40 | 1 |
350 | Georgios Skarparis | Cyprus | 58.000 | 42 | 5 |
351 | Andress Merheb | Lebanon | 56.000 | 31 | 7 |
352 | Yaacoub Jihad | Lebanon | 56.000 | 36 | 8 |
353 | David Civai | United Kingdom | 55.000 | 2 | 8 |
354 | Emre Ozcan | Turkey | 52.000 | 11 | 1 |
355 | Alexander Zubov | Russia | 52.000 | 39 | 6 |
356 | Alexander Shelukhin | Russia | 51.000 | 43 | 7 |
357 | Guillermo Sanz | Spain | 50.000 | 1 | 3 |
358 | Akin Aydemir | Turkey | 50.000 | 5 | 2 |
359 | Alexandre Raymond | Canada | 50.000 | 32 | 3 |
360 | Ioannis Panagiotopoulos | Greece | 49.000 | 12 | 7 |
361 | Benjamin Hamnett | USA | 48.000 | 26 | 3 |
362 | Yaser Sakarya | Turkey | 48.000 | 32 | 8 |
363 | Umut Yukselir | Turkey | 48.000 | 39 | 7 |
364 | Alexandra Radinger | Austria | 46.000 | 25 | 7 |
365 | Vladimir Bozinovic | Serbia | 45.000 | 4 | 3 |
366 | Elie Sakr | Lebanon | 45.000 | 30 | 1 |
367 | Stefan Cupic | Montenegro | 45.000 | 38 | 5 |
368 | Anton Smirnov | Russia | 44.000 | 24 | 8 |
369 | Anton Roshchin | Russia | 43.000 | 1 | 6 |
370 | Ehsan Gorji | Iran | 43.000 | 27 | 3 |
371 | Mathias Bayer | Germany | 43.000 | 42 | 2 |
372 | Renat Bogdanov | Ukraine | 43.000 | 47 | 5 |
373 | Hadi Khordbin | Iran | 39.000 | 25 | 2 |
374 | Hao Tian | Hong Kong | 38.000 | 1 | 2 |
375 | Fabio Peluso | Italy | 38.000 | 14 | 8 |
376 | Erdem Akmert | Turkey | 38.000 | 15 | 4 |
377 | Laurita Galinauskaite | Lithuania | 38.000 | 25 | 3 |
378 | Marius Iftimia | Romania | 37.000 | 23 | 7 |
379 | Fedor Burmistrov | Indonesia | 37.000 | 37 | 5 |
380 | Gabriel Akiki | Lebanon | 36.000 | 21 | 4 |
381 | Fedor Dedelov | Russia | 36.000 | 49 | 3 |
382 | Rodion Zaleskiy | Kazakhstan | 35.000 | 21 | 6 |
383 | Rusen Mat | Turkey | 34.000 | 37 | 8 |
384 | Zorlu Er | Turkey | 33.000 | 8 | 6 |
385 | Georgios Jovanides | Cyprus | 31.000 | 16 | 7 |
386 | Andrii Pinchuk | Ukraine | 31.000 | 18 | 3 |
387 | Stanislav Kiselev | Russia | 29.000 | 2 | 5 |
388 | Jorge Palomino | Spain | 28.000 | 4 | 6 |
389 | Engin Turhaner | Turkey | 28.000 | 49 | 6 |
390 | Leonid Sidelkovskiy | Russia | 25.000 | 44 | 6 |
391 | Huseyin Akgul | Turkey | 23.000 | 35 | 2 |
392 | Thomas Maier | Germany | 23.000 | 40 | 6 |
393 | Temur Abbosov | Uzbekistan | 22.000 | 11 | 7 |
394 | Jessica Teusl | Austria | 22.000 | 16 | 1 |
395 | Julien Sitbon | France | 22.000 | 33 | 6 |
396 | Dawid Drobinski | Poland | 20.000 | 49 | 8 |
397 | Silvio Domingues Costa | Portugal | 17.000 | 24 | 5 |
398 | Pablo Brito | Brazil | 17.000 | 33 | 3 |
399 | Ricardo de la Rosa | Spain | 15.000 | 39 | 5 |
European Poker Tour Cyprus
Datum: 11. bis 22. Oktober
Ort: Merit Royal Hotel & Casino, Kyrenia
Events: 59 inkl. Satellites
Website: PokerStarsLive.com