
Felipe Ramos – Freiheit durch Poker

Felipe „Mojave“ Ramos ist zu Gast im Podcast von Dan Cates. Ramos spricht unter anderem über seine Kindheit in einer Favela in São Paulo, wie er von Finanzen zu Poker kam und wie er als Coach nun anderen Spielern helfen möchte.

Ep 46 Brazil’s #1 POKER Streamer & His POKER MENTALITY | „Jungleman“ Dan Cates & Felipe Mojave Ramos


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0:47 From the slums of Sao Paulo to the top of the poker world
3:33 Charity and how to define one’s needs
9:19 Teaching others poker to give them an opportunity for a better life
14:44 Just a regular guy
29:20 Felipe’s heads-up match with Jungleman on one of the biggest days of his poker journey
46:12 Opportunities with poker stables
46:55 Spreading a message
53:10 Applying poker skills to business
57:18 Rubbing elbows with football legends and other celebrities
1:05:20 Felipe’s future plans

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