2.709 Entries sind es bei der Novemberausgabe der € 445 + 45 Euro Poker Million im King’s Resort Rozvadov geworden, € 1.145.229 sind im Pot. Für 271 Spieler geht es heute in Tag 2.
Wie zu erwarten wurde auch gestern, den 6. November, bei den letzten beiden Flights „ausverkauft“ vermeldet. Zu Mittag ging es in den letzten regulären Flight 1H, bei dem 497 Teilnehmer mit 60.000 Chips und 40 Minuten Levels antraten. Drei Re-Entries machten die 500 voll. Am Abend wurde noch ein Speed Flight mit 30 Minuten Levels angeboten und auch hier nahmen wieder 465 Spieler an den Tischen Platz. 35 Re-Entries gab es zum Erreichen des CAP von 500 und so standen schließlich 2.709 Entries zu Buche. Nach Abzug der 5 % Fee entspricht das einem Preispool von € 1.145.229.
Auch gestern wurde wieder bis zum Erreichen von 10 % der Entries gespielt. Die Top 15 % erreichten die Geldränge (jeweils 75 Spieler in jedem Heat), die Top 50 tüteten Chips für Tag 2 ein. Flaviano Cammisuli konnte sich mit 2.509.000 Chips die klare Führung sichern, Walter Klinger liegt als bester Österreicher mit 2.265.000 Chips auf Rang 2. Mit 271 Spielern geht es heute um 14 Uhr bei den Blinds 5k/10k/10k und 50 Minuten Levels in Tag 2. Es wird einen Livestream geben, natürlich dann auch vom Finale, das morgen mit 60 Minuten Levels ausgetragen wird.
Als Abwechslung steht heute auch das € 1.000 + 100 EPM High Roller (€ 50.000 GTD) auf dem Programm, hier wird mit 100.000 Chips und 25 Minuten Levels gespielt. Alle Details zum Pokerangebot gibt es unter kings-resort.com bzw. auf der Facebook-Seite.
1A | 1B | 1C | 1D | 1E | 1F | 1G | 1H | 1I | gesamt | |
Entries | 74 | 57 | 96 | 152 | 152 | 402 | 409 | 497 | 465 | 2304 |
Re-Entries | 23 | 24 | 32 | 58 | 41 | 98 | 91 | 3 | 35 | 405 |
Gesamt | 97 | 81 | 128 | 210 | 193 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 2709 |
left | 10 | 9 | 13 | 21 | 19 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 272 |
Redraw Tag 2:
First name | Last name | Nationality | Chip count | Table | Seat |
Flaviano | Cammisuli | Italy | 2.509.000 | 100 | 8 |
Walter | Klinger | Austria | 2.265.000 | 98 | 5 |
David | Novotny | Czech Republic | 2.097.000 | 87 | 9 |
Jiri | Kocab | Czech Republic | 1.968.000 | 94 | 2 |
Ionut Dan | Velicu | Romania | 1.904.000 | 96 | 8 |
Silviu | Baltateanu | Romania | 1.840.000 | 101 | 4 |
Ilija | Savevski | Macedonia | 1.529.000 | 98 | 4 |
Elad | Shaar | Israel | 1.412.000 | 117 | 2 |
Jiri | Horacek | Czech Republic | 1.342.000 | 97 | 8 |
Emanuel | Flesner | Romania | 1.292.000 | 95 | 5 |
Eagle17 | Israel | 1.290.000 | 118 | 3 | |
Tomas | Kuril | Czech Republic | 1.279.000 | 95 | 1 |
Andreas | Mohr | Germany | 1.274.000 | 102 | 8 |
Demba | Germany | 1.267.000 | 81 | 4 | |
Wojciech Janusz | Wyrebski | Poland | 1.229.000 | 102 | 6 |
Luca | Piras | Italy | 1.209.000 | 83 | 1 |
Runen777 | Russian Federation | 1.157.000 | 113 | 4 | |
Tayfun | Ozlu | Turkey | 1.150.000 | 84 | 8 |
Montana | Germany | 1.142.000 | 81 | 9 | |
Cammarata | Daniele Damiano | Italy | 1.114.000 | 96 | 7 |
Eddy Pierre | Veillard | France | 1.101.000 | 89 | 4 |
Ovidiu Dorin | Barna | Romania | 1.100.000 | 84 | 7 |
KARLOS | Poland | 1.080.000 | 84 | 1 | |
Vladimir | Tamaskovic | Slovakia | 1.080.000 | 80 | 1 |
Di Martino | Antonio | Italy | 1.071.000 | 99 | 7 |
CARRYONUK | France | 1.068.000 | 103 | 4 | |
Melchers | Dorian | France | 1.061.000 | 118 | 1 |
Giorgio | Giannerini | Italy | 1.030.000 | 111 | 8 |
Tomas | Svec | Czech Republic | 1.016.000 | 98 | 8 |
Pasqualo VLV | Switzerland | 1.000.000 | 114 | 5 | |
Mathieu Raymond | Desmet | Belgium | 1.000.000 | 97 | 1 |
Melvin Augusto | Matos Duran | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 998.000 | 96 | 1 |
Vaclav | Lattner | Czech Republic | 998.000 | 81 | 7 |
Lukas | Zaskodny | Czech Republic | 992.000 | 112 | 2 |
Ernst | Schnelzer | Germany | 962.000 | 99 | 6 |
Tsilimigkas | Vasileios | Greece | 946.000 | 110 | 8 |
Emanuele | Onnis | Italy | 937.000 | 80 | 7 |
Eduardo | Barbato | Italy | 918.000 | 115 | 9 |
Hasse fati | Sweden | 916.000 | 113 | 1 | |
Petr | Kubenka | Czech Republic | 916.000 | 86 | 8 |
Sascha | Manns | Germany | 913.000 | 112 | 5 |
TO THE MOON 93 | Italy | 911.000 | 96 | 2 | |
Andre | Schneider | Germany | 910.000 | 110 | 3 |
Jordan Charlton | Woodall | Germany | 907.000 | 94 | 1 |
Lucky7 | Germany | 902.000 | 103 | 8 | |
Fernando | Austria | 895.000 | 115 | 8 | |
Giuseppe | Tedeschi | Italy | 878.000 | 87 | 1 |
Dariusz Marek | Paszkiewicz | Poland | 877.000 | 83 | 2 |
Tomas | Hajek | Czech Republic | 868.000 | 114 | 4 |
Antonio | Fragale | Italy | 861.000 | 82 | 2 |
Daniel | Strachinescu | Romania | 856.000 | 112 | 8 |
Stanislovas | Vinicenka | Lithuania | 851.000 | 112 | 1 |
Florin Paul | Trifan | Romania | 831.000 | 81 | 8 |
Vincenzo | Maffei | Italy | 830.000 | 82 | 5 |
David | Koglgruber | Austria | 829.000 | 80 | 2 |
Reinhold Josef | Dona | Austria | 825.000 | 109 | 1 |
Dr. Rico | Germany | 818.000 | 118 | 4 | |
Tal | Albo | Israel | 813.000 | 103 | 9 |
Mourad | Falfoul | France | 803.000 | 96 | 4 |
Tonino | Cardia Puddu | Italy | 796.000 | 80 | 5 |
King Ten | Greece | 794.000 | 89 | 6 | |
Pascal Rene | Roumier | France | 780.000 | 89 | 7 |
Olekszandr Volodimirovics | Lizanec | Hungary | 779.000 | 88 | 1 |
Sophiane | Meghraoui | France | 775.000 | 82 | 4 |
Wladimir | Majer | Germany | 774.000 | 115 | 1 |
Adrian | Motos | Germany | 772.000 | 101 | 6 |
Tezer | Cetindag | Germany | 769.000 | 85 | 5 |
Davide | Dante | Italy | 766.000 | 97 | 9 |
Krisztian Mark | Kis | Hungary | 760.000 | 83 | 6 |
Marian | Mailat | Romania | 760.000 | 86 | 9 |
Fernando Pantaleone | Pacicca | Italy | 758.000 | 101 | 5 |
Erkan | Sönmez | Turkey | 757.000 | 109 | 2 |
Mihai | Stinca | Belgium | 739.000 | 114 | 9 |
Daniel | Granov | Czech Republic | 737.000 | 95 | 2 |
Gjafer | Qerimi | RKS | 735.000 | 83 | 9 |
Abdelmajid | El Hani | Morocco | 732.000 | 116 | 3 |
Giuseppe | Vecchio | Italy | 732.000 | 116 | 8 |
Armando | Annunziata | Italy | 732.000 | 103 | 5 |
Franco | Lasia | Italy | 730.000 | 115 | 3 |
Lior | Afllalo | Israel | 714.000 | 113 | 6 |
Dennis | Krusch | Germany | 711.000 | 96 | 6 |
Antonio | L Abbate | Italy | 710.000 | 109 | 4 |
Gianluca | Bucchino | Italy | 701.000 | 117 | 6 |
Arman | Netherlands | 698.000 | 110 | 7 | |
Massimo Oreste | Segatto | Italy | 694.000 | 103 | 3 |
Nicola | Angelini | Italy | 693.000 | 112 | 3 |
Fabio | Gamba | Italy | 681.000 | 82 | 8 |
Odin | Germany | 678.000 | 83 | 3 | |
Antonio | Marzuola | Italy | 676.000 | 115 | 2 |
Tobias | Lerzer | Germany | 668.000 | 87 | 3 |
Ilie | Smintanca Januszewski | Romania | 667.000 | 86 | 7 |
Yehonatan | Behor | Israel | 658.000 | 108 | 3 |
Mourad | Tounnouti | Netherlands | 657.000 | 88 | 4 |
Carmelo | Romeo | Germany | 650.000 | 117 | 9 |
Josef | Kollar | Czech Republic | 647.000 | 88 | 6 |
Gaetano | Moreci | Belgium | 643.000 | 88 | 5 |
Alessandro | Nannini | Italy | 642.000 | 114 | 1 |
Adriano | Bianco | Italy | 641.000 | 98 | 2 |
R.gutti | Germany | 640.000 | 87 | 6 | |
Marius Alexandru | Gicovanu | Romania | 640.000 | 108 | 6 |
Alessandro Essmail | Manfredi Soliman Essmail | Italy | 640.000 | 111 | 6 |
Cristian | Grecu | Romania | 639.000 | 95 | 6 |
Luana | Di Bello | Italy | 632.000 | 112 | 4 |
Dusko | Kostic | Germany | 629.000 | 113 | 5 |
Petr | Mifek | Czech Republic | 626.000 | 83 | 4 |
Homar | Rassi Neto | Brazil | 624.000 | 87 | 7 |
Dimitrios | Dimitros | Greece | 622.000 | 102 | 4 |
VANDRAUTKA | Germany | 621.000 | 94 | 7 | |
Mr.Bond | Germany | 616.000 | 81 | 6 | |
Janja | Italy | 608.000 | 86 | 6 | |
Marius | Asanache | Romania | 607.000 | 102 | 1 |
Umberto | Ferrauto | Italy | 600.000 | 89 | 8 |
Felice | Delfino | Italy | 599.000 | 117 | 8 |
Girolamo | Fantaguzzi | Italy | 599.000 | 99 | 5 |
Antonio | Baldo | Italy | 599.000 | 80 | 8 |
Stefan | Raschbauer | Austria | 596.000 | 94 | 4 |
Ser Swensson | Germany | 592.000 | 101 | 2 | |
Maksim Ivanov | Dimov | Bulgaria | 592.000 | 108 | 1 |
Guenter | Don | Germany | 592.000 | 95 | 3 |
Beiyan | Yu | China | 590.000 | 114 | 2 |
Szymon Jakub | Bujok | Poland | 587.000 | 88 | 2 |
Metin | Safa | Germany | 585.000 | 88 | 3 |
Alberto Carlo | Augimeri | Italy | 577.000 | 114 | 7 |
Degiorgi | Massimo | Italy | 575.000 | 113 | 8 |
Bogdan | Berinde | Romania | 574.000 | 116 | 1 |
Fire at will ! | Germany | 572.000 | 118 | 2 | |
Baris | Topal | Germany | 568.000 | 97 | 2 |
Alejandro | Pena Conceicao | Spain | 568.000 | 118 | 9 |
Stefan | Heizmann | Germany | 562.000 | 109 | 7 |
Ion Vlad | Dragoi | Romania | 561.000 | 86 | 4 |
Pier Ugo Capretta | Italy | 555.000 | 109 | 8 | |
Adriano | Cardiota | Italy | 554.000 | 111 | 3 |
Matthias | Steinberg | Germany | 549.000 | 101 | 9 |
Francesco | Candelari | Italy | 548.000 | 97 | 7 |
Paulius | Pserackas | Lithuania | 545.000 | 108 | 7 |
Andy | Schlegel | Germany | 544.000 | 113 | 9 |
Cid | Ghillain | France | 541.000 | 113 | 2 |
Olaf Matthias | Kendzorra | Germany | 532.000 | 98 | 3 |
Oleg | Jdan | Moldova, Republic of | 530.000 | 95 | 7 |
Frank D. | Germany | 529.000 | 84 | 9 | |
Danilo Armando Giuseppe Olivie | Donnini | Italy | 529.000 | 94 | 5 |
POULET | Belgium | 527.000 | 85 | 9 | |
Tom Willy W | Dingenen | Belgium | 522.000 | 85 | 2 |
Giovanni Emanuele | Palma | Italy | 516.000 | 100 | 6 |
Simone | Agnoletto | Italy | 510.000 | 87 | 2 |
Palacinko | Turkey | 508.000 | 83 | 8 | |
Omer | Ozgul | Turkey | 503.000 | 116 | 4 |
NOSOW | Lithuania | 502.000 | 102 | 9 | |
Simone | Pascucci | Italy | 501.000 | 100 | 2 |
Hao | Liu | Switzerland | 500.000 | 111 | 4 |
Bashkim | Avdiu | RKS | 498.000 | 102 | 3 |
Farukh | Tach | Netherlands | 498.000 | 89 | 2 |
Zsolt | Balog | Hungary | 493.000 | 108 | 8 |
Kamenko | Dujmovic | Slovenia | 489.000 | 115 | 5 |
RIQu | Germany | 486.000 | 88 | 9 | |
Radek | Misik | Czech Republic | 480.000 | 99 | 3 |
Yusuf | Oezkacar | Germany | 480.000 | 100 | 5 |
Riccardo | Saraniero | Italy | 478.000 | 99 | 4 |
Haim | Shalev | Israel | 476.000 | 108 | 9 |
Yaron | Ben Avi | Israel | 468.000 | 81 | 5 |
Ciprian Dan | Galatean | Romania | 466.000 | 80 | 6 |
Daniel | Sulz | Germany | 465.000 | 117 | 3 |
Sebastian Ciprian | Kovaci | Romania | 461.000 | 116 | 5 |
Marco | Leigheb | Italy | 459.000 | 85 | 8 |
Vitaliy | Kryza | Ukraine | 455.000 | 94 | 3 |
Alexandru | Arnautu | Romania | 451.000 | 113 | 3 |
Antonio | Visco | Italy | 446.000 | 98 | 9 |
Manuel | Ferrari | Italy | 440.000 | 98 | 7 |
David | Taborsky | Czech Republic | 436.000 | 89 | 9 |
LUCKY LUCIANO | Netherlands | 435.000 | 100 | 1 | |
Mina | Arshad | Germany | 434.000 | 101 | 3 |
Mr. Pain | Netherlands | 433.000 | 118 | 5 | |
Wai Kee | Tang | Netherlands | 426.000 | 100 | 3 |
Vladimir | Stejskal | Czech Republic | 426.000 | 101 | 1 |
Ole | Germany | 424.000 | 117 | 7 | |
Fabio | Peluso | Italy | 424.000 | 112 | 7 |
Giovanni | Piccione | Italy | 423.000 | 80 | 3 |
Abdelilah | Dahour | France | 420.000 | 111 | 1 |
Ionut | Nicolae | Romania | 420.000 | 84 | 3 |
Robert | Kokoska | Czech Republic | 419.000 | 89 | 1 |
Rocco | Maiorana | Italy | 418.000 | 103 | 1 |
Zhong | Chen | Netherlands | 418.000 | 111 | 2 |
David | Savocka | Czech Republic | 410.000 | 86 | 3 |
Martin Desislavov | Todorov | Bulgaria | 406.000 | 112 | 9 |
Jan | Gallistl | Czech Republic | 404.000 | 108 | 2 |
Yordanov Georgi | Karagogov | Bulgaria | 402.000 | 80 | 4 |
Ettore | Esposito | Italy | 394.000 | 83 | 7 |
Yaniv | Vaknin | Israel | 372.000 | 84 | 5 |
Giuseppe Junior | Comitini | Italy | 367.000 | 94 | 9 |
Radek | Honl | Czech Republic | 366.000 | 102 | 5 |
Dainius | Alisauskas | Lithuania | 363.000 | 97 | 3 |
SKANDERBEG | RKS | 360.000 | 103 | 6 | |
Schayan | Aghajan Schakeri | Germany | 360.000 | 116 | 7 |
Slavomir | Byrtus | Czech Republic | 356.000 | 109 | 9 |
Dan Ovidiu | Socaci | Romania | 354.000 | 82 | 7 |
COLT30 | Germany | 352.000 | 115 | 4 | |
Anthony Benja | Mahaut | France | 350.000 | 110 | 1 |
Artiom | Poddubnii | Moldova, Republic of | 350.000 | 88 | 7 |
Nagib | Raji | France | 348.000 | 116 | 9 |
WARREN BLUFFIT | Germany | 346.000 | 110 | 6 | |
Calin Adrian | Chiuzbaian | Romania | 346.000 | 82 | 6 |
Catello | De Martino | Italy | 343.000 | 118 | 6 |
Thomas | Hofmann | Switzerland | 343.000 | 85 | 6 |
Mugurel | Farcas | Romania | 340.000 | 103 | 7 |
Ondrej | Mar | Czech Republic | 336.000 | 109 | 6 |
Max Josef | Biebl | Germany | 333.000 | 94 | 6 |
Dominik | Vrdoljak | Croatia | 333.000 | 81 | 1 |
Tiago Rafael | De Melo Rodrigues | Portugal | 332.000 | 111 | 9 |
Olaf | Czech Republic | 331.000 | 82 | 1 | |
Josef | Snejberg | Czech Republic | 331.000 | 115 | 6 |
Giovanni | Nava | Italy | 329.000 | 101 | 7 |
Silviu Virgil | Nemes | Romania | 327.000 | 97 | 6 |
Dennis Christian | Magro | Germany | 326.000 | 109 | 5 |
Haci Bayram | Bekem | Turkey | 322.000 | 112 | 6 |
Enrico | Grella | Italy | 321.000 | 103 | 2 |
Ferry | Ikink | Netherlands | 317.000 | 110 | 2 |
Salvatore | Bonavena | Italy | 314.000 | 114 | 6 |
Sandro | Gangi | Belgium | 306.000 | 81 | 3 |
Herbert Wolfgang | Hinterndorfer | Austria | 306.000 | 95 | 8 |
Ana Maria Cristina | Iordache | Romania | 305.000 | 110 | 9 |
Tobias | Krueger | Germany | 305.000 | 85 | 4 |
Jan | Ceska | Czech Republic | 300.000 | 85 | 7 |
Nunzio | Vanoncini | Italy | 299.000 | 115 | 7 |
Eric | Maestracci | France | 294.000 | 85 | 1 |
Sharon | Sade | Israel | 290.000 | 95 | 9 |
Georgios | Kiziridis | Czech Republic | 288.000 | 110 | 4 |
Arnold | Kooistra | Netherlands | 287.000 | 84 | 6 |
El Sharif | Czech Republic | 285.000 | 102 | 2 | |
Domenico | Avagliano | Italy | 284.000 | 98 | 1 |
Giuseppe | Bruno | Italy | 279.000 | 96 | 3 |
Jurij | Wegner | Germany | 278.000 | 101 | 8 |
DER SCHALKER | Germany | 272.000 | 82 | 9 | |
Leon | Veehof | Netherlands | 268.000 | 82 | 3 |
Agustin | Bellido Romero | Spain | 266.000 | 81 | 2 |
Daniel | Bramboeck | Austria | 266.000 | 117 | 5 |
Paolo | Coser | Italy | 262.000 | 84 | 4 |
Marco | Figuccia | Italy | 260.000 | 96 | 5 |
Giuseppe | Soffio | Italy | 258.000 | 97 | 5 |
Iulian Cosmin | Oprea | Romania | 255.000 | 117 | 1 |
Leonardo Maria | Armino | Netherlands | 252.000 | 118 | 8 |
Luca | Maccatrozzo | Italy | 251.000 | 87 | 5 |
Simone | Andrian | Italy | 250.000 | 89 | 5 |
Toby Roy | Hannah | United States | 249.000 | 111 | 5 |
Marco | Di Persio | Italy | 249.000 | 89 | 3 |
Onkel Otto | Germany | 245.000 | 88 | 8 | |
Danny | Van Der Meer | Netherlands | 245.000 | 99 | 1 |
Dario | Barone | Italy | 245.000 | 100 | 9 |
Tereza | Dolezalova | Czech Republic | 238.000 | 110 | 5 |
Sica | Amerigo | Italy | 229.000 | 114 | 8 |
Claes Johan | Adamsson | Sweden | 224.000 | 86 | 1 |
LL05 | Germany | 205.000 | 85 | 3 | |
Vincenzo | Bortone | Antigua and Barbuda | 198.000 | 84 | 2 |
Vladimir | Krizek | Czech Republic | 194.000 | 114 | 3 |
Itzhak | Bechor | Israel | 189.000 | 109 | 3 |
Safwane Anwar | Bahri | France | 188.000 | 87 | 8 |
Björn | Krause | Germany | 186.000 | 80 | 9 |
Martin | Finek | Czech Republic | 186.000 | 86 | 5 |
Oxymiron | Romania | 165.000 | 99 | 2 | |
ChipMonk | Netherlands | 157.000 | 111 | 7 | |
Ioannis | Paputsis | Greece | 151.000 | 99 | 8 |
Sergii | Danashevskyi | Ukraine | 150.000 | 94 | 8 |
Greko Gregor | Greece | 149.000 | 113 | 7 | |
Ion Cristian | Manea | Romania | 149.000 | 100 | 7 |
Michael Christian | Pedersen | Denmark | 131.000 | 116 | 6 |
Marcin Pawel | Chmielewski | Poland | 121.000 | 95 | 4 |
Simone | Lombardo | Italy | 116.000 | 108 | 5 |
Hilary Alison | Augustin | United States | 90.000 | 96 | 9 |
Francesco | Narciso | Italy | 87.000 | 117 | 4 |
Oliver | Varga | Germany | 84.000 | 99 | 9 |
Angelo | Coletta | Italy | 73.000 | 83 | 5 |
Walter | Nardelli | Italy | 48.000 | 100 | 4 |