24 Spieler dürfen beim € 220 partypoker Grand Prix Germany noch auf den Sieg und die Siegesprämie von € 110.000 hoffen. Oprea Ovidiuist der Chipleader vor Christian Taepper, der als bester Deutscher auf Rang 2 liegt.
Mit dem Turbo Heat war es gestern, den 24. Juni, im King’s Casino Rozvadov in den Tag gegangen. Die € 500.000 Preisgeldgarantie war schon geknackt und so der Turbo-Flight nur noch das Sahnehäubchen. Tatsächlich wurde der Preispool mit 450 Entries noch kräftig nach oben geschraubt. Insgesamt kam man so auf 3.297 Entries und damit landeten € 626.430 im Pot.
526 Spieler hatten sich für Tag 2 qualifiziert und gingen dann um 14:30 Uhr an den Start. Das erste Ziel waren die 327 bezahlten Plätze, die einen Min-Cash von € 500 garantierten. Sehr schnell ging es zur Sache und keine zwei Stunden sollte es dauern, bis „in the money“ verkündet werden konnte. Auf der Bubble erwischte es einen Spieler mit gegen von Daniele Vesco, das Board und alle waren im Geld.
Rasch ging es dann aber auch weiter. Horst Barlau war einer der ersten, die mit Geld gingen, als er mit der Straight gegen das Full House gehen musste. Die Reihen lichteten sich sehr schnell, auch Zarathustra, Thomas Zurek, Krokodeal und Marek Blasko mussten gehen. Letzterer floppte mit seinen Pocket 8s das Set, verlor aber gegen die geriverte Straight von Valentino Adler, der als Chipleader in den Tag gestartet war.
Während Erich Kollmann mit den Queens gegen und einen großen Pot holte, mussten Aleksandar Tomovic, Sascha Ranzinger und einige mehr gehen. Zur Dinner Break war das Feld bereits auf 64 Spieler geschrumpft, die dann Level 32 in Angriff nahmen.
Als es dann mit 27 Spielern in die letzte Pause ging, war das Ende des Tages schon in Reichweite und tatsächlich wurde der Tag dann vorzeitig mit 24 Spielern bei den Blinds 200k/400k beendet. Oprea Ovidiu sicherte sich vor Christian Taepper den Chiplead, dahinter lauern Niklas Ehrenholz und VERITAS.
Um 14 Uhr geht es ins Finale und natürlich könnt Ihr im Liveblog hier auf Pokerfirma mitlesen, wer sich die Siegesprämie von € 110.000 schnappt. Alle haben schon ein Preisgeld von € 2.600 sicher. Die Entscheidung könnt Ihr aber auch im Livestream mitverfolgen, kommentiert wird wieder von Stefan Hachmeister und Gästen.
Wer doch lieber selber spielt, der hat im King’s heute doch einiges zur Auswahl. Um 12 Uhr wird das € 45 + 5 Noon Turbo gestartet, um 16 Uhr geht es in das € 20 + 5 Satellite, bei dem 20 Tickets für den Deepstack Cup garantiert sind. Für € 100 + 10 spielt man um garantierte € 50.000, der Startschuss fällt heute um 18 Uhr mit dem ersten von vier Starttagen. Die weiteren Flights folgen am Dienstag, Mittwoch und Donnerstag (Turbo), ehe es am Donnerstag Abend dann in die Entscheidung geht. 50.000 Chips und 30 Minuten Levels gibt es, wobei in den ersten 13 Levels der Re-Entry erlaubt ist, und 16 Levels gespielt werden. Alle Details und Infos findet Ihr natürlich unter pokerroomkings.com.
# | Name | Vorname | Nation | Chipcount | Table | Seat |
1 | Ovidiu | Oprea | Romania | 35.750.000 | 22 | 7 |
2 | Christian | Taepper | Germany | 31.625.000 | 22 | 1 |
3 | Niklas | Ehrenholz | Germany | 27.475.000 | 21 | 1 |
4 | VERITAS | Germany | 23.550.000 | 21 | 3 | |
5 | Norbert | Krull | Germany | 20.650.000 | 20 | 6 |
6 | Petr | Vlček | Czech Republic | 17.750.000 | 20 | 5 |
7 | Fabien | Baldelli | France | 16.400.000 | 21 | 8 |
8 | Levy | Tzur | France | 15.350.000 | 22 | 8 |
9 | Nico | Pfund | Germany | 14.000.000 | 22 | 4 |
10 | Marvin | Nanulaitta | Netherlands | 12.900.000 | 20 | 8 |
11 | Vidan | Mikic | Austria | 11.350.000 | 22 | 5 |
12 | Maciej | Komorowski | Poland | 11.075.000 | 20 | 2 |
13 | Jerome | Abitbol | France | 10.775.000 | 22 | 3 |
14 | Michal | Čep | Czech Republic | 10.225.000 | 22 | 1 |
15 | Peter | Mihalčin | Slovakia | 10.100.000 | 20 | 4 |
16 | Lukáš V. | Czech Republic | 9.675.000 | 21 | 2 | |
17 | LuckyPad | Germany | 9.650.000 | 22 | 2 | |
18 | Fabio | Gamba | Italy | 7.750.000 | 21 | 5 |
19 | Heribert | Ipfelkofer | Germany | 7.375.000 | 20 | 1 |
20 | Eugen | Strobel | Germany | 6.950.000 | 21 | 4 |
21 | Jonathan Jerlando E | Rovenne | Belgium | 6.400.000 | 20 | 3 |
22 | Štefan | Hulín | Slovakia | 5.775.000 | 21 | 7 |
23 | Vasile | Strugari | Romania | 4.925.000 | 21 | 6 |
24 | Alexander | Romme | Germany | 2.275.000 | 20 | 7 |
Die Payouts:
Rang | Name | Vorname | Nickname | Nation | Preisgeld |
1 | €110.000,00 | ||||
2 | €70.230,00 | ||||
3 | €46.000,00 | ||||
4 | €29.000,00 | ||||
5 | €19.000,00 | ||||
6 | €13.000,00 | ||||
7 | €9.000,00 | ||||
8 | €6.500,00 | ||||
9 | €5.000,00 | ||||
10 | €4.000,00 | ||||
11 | €4.000,00 | ||||
12 | €4.000,00 | ||||
13 | €3.200,00 | ||||
14 | €3.200,00 | ||||
15 | €3.200,00 | ||||
16 | €3.200,00 | ||||
17 | €2.600,00 | ||||
18 | €2.600,00 | ||||
19 | €2.600,00 | ||||
20 | €2.600,00 | ||||
21 | €2.600,00 | ||||
22 | €2.600,00 | ||||
23 | €2.600,00 | ||||
24 | €2.600,00 | ||||
25 | B52 | Germany | €2.100,00 | ||
26 | Adrian | Paterak | Germany | €2.100,00 | |
27 | Selim | Sezer | Germany | €2.100,00 | |
28 | Peter | Kuzma | Slovakia | €2.100,00 | |
29 | Stanislav | Grochál | Slovakia | €2.100,00 | |
30 | Tomáš | Švec | Czech Republic | €2.100,00 | |
31 | Lodie | Sagel | Netherlands | €2.100,00 | |
32 | David | Sobotka | Germany | €2.100,00 | |
33 | Mohamad | Arin | Germany | €1.800,00 | |
34 | Ilie | Smintanca-Januszewski | France | €1.800,00 | |
35 | M.B. | Germany | €1.800,00 | ||
36 | Jan | Stelwagen | Netherlands | €1.800,00 | |
37 | Boreiko | Sergei | Israel | €1.800,00 | |
38 | Ivan | Curic | Croatia | €1.800,00 | |
39 | Josef | Guláš | Czech Republic | €1.800,00 | |
40 | Stephan | Hartjes | Germany | €1.800,00 | |
41 | Tobias Mathias | Kolb | Germany | €1.600,00 | |
42 | Cristian Andrei | Alexe | Germany | €1.600,00 | |
43 | Dariusz Bronislaw | Chojnacki | Poland | €1.600,00 | |
44 | Thomas | Morawietz | Germany | €1.600,00 | |
45 | Sasa | Lalos | Austria | €1.600,00 | |
46 | Nico | Ludwar | Germany | €1.600,00 | |
47 | Florian | Egger | Germany | €1.600,00 | |
48 | Mapa | Germany | €1.600,00 | ||
49 | Premium | Germany | €1.600,00 | ||
50 | Deniz | Öney | Germany | €1.600,00 | |
51 | Anders Christian | Andersen | Denmark | €1.600,00 | |
52 | Werner | Ruhl | Germany | €1.600,00 | |
53 | Tim | Rutjes | Netherlands | €1.600,00 | |
54 | Daniel | Jarosch | Austria | €1.600,00 | |
55 | Robert William | Cahn | United Kingdom | €1.600,00 | |
56 | Fedir | Gatsko | Ukraine | €1.600,00 | |
57 | Stefano | Aprile | Germany | €1.400,00 | |
58 | Joao Miguel | Matos | Portugal | €1.400,00 | |
59 | Csaba | Ötvös | Slovakia | €1.400,00 | |
60 | Israel | Avraham | nevyplneno | €1.400,00 | |
61 | Volodymyr | Legkyi | Ukraine | €1.400,00 | |
62 | Mirko | Willsch | Germany | €1.400,00 | |
63 | Antonio | De Angelis | Italy | €1.400,00 | |
64 | Mohammed | Eshaqzai | Netherlands | €1.400,00 | |
65 | Alexandru-Mihai | Savescu | Germany | €1.400,00 | |
66 | Benjamin | Mecko | Germany | €1.400,00 | |
67 | Kalle L. | Germany | €1.400,00 | ||
68 | Vlatko | Krulic | Germany | €1.400,00 | |
69 | Daniel Novák | Slovakia | €1.400,00 | ||
70 | Qoang Minh | Truong | Germany | €1.400,00 | |
71 | Vlastimil | Černý | Czech Republic | €1.400,00 | |
72 | Dejan | Govedič | Slovenia | €1.400,00 | |
73 | Sergejs | Dubovs | Germany | €1.400,00 | |
74 | Oprea | Ciprian Iount | Romania | €1.400,00 | |
75 | Niclas | Buschner | Germany | €1.400,00 | |
76 | Fůnfundneunziger | Germany | €1.400,00 | ||
77 | Jamil | Germany | €1.400,00 | ||
78 | Black&white | Germany | €1.400,00 | ||
79 | Volodymyr | Zalischuk | Ukraine | €1.400,00 | |
80 | Ozren | Cvijanovic | Serbia | €1.400,00 | |
81 | Marco | Susta | Italy | €1.200,00 | |
82 | Mick | Heder | Denmark | €1.200,00 | |
83 | Štefan | Dolinský | Germany | €1.200,00 | |
84 | Jonathan | Gruber | Austria | €1.200,00 | |
85 | Parkas | Somer | Netherlands | €1.200,00 | |
86 | Aleksei | Ivanov | Belarus | €1.200,00 | |
87 | Alex B. | Germany | €1.200,00 | ||
88 | Idan | Mole | Israel | €1.200,00 | |
89 | Efrim | Erdinc | Germany | €1.200,00 | |
90 | Irakli | Kemularia | nevyplneno | €1.200,00 | |
91 | Turkey | Germany | €1.200,00 | ||
92 | Jona | Wilmsmann | Germany | €1.200,00 | |
93 | Michaela | Inmann | Austria | €1.200,00 | |
94 | Benjamin | Behrens | Germany | €1.200,00 | |
95 | Andreas | Fink | Germany | €1.200,00 | |
96 | Werner | Wilfinger | Austria | €1.200,00 | |
97 | Haviv | Almog | nevyplneno | €1.200,00 | |
98 | Kemal | Bulut | Germany | €1.200,00 | |
99 | Maged | Aziz | Austria | €1.200,00 | |
100 | Stavros | Botaktsis | Greece | €1.200,00 | |
101 | David | De Graeve | Belgium | €1.200,00 | |
102 | Milan | Sedlák | Czech Republic | €1.200,00 | |
103 | Erich | Kollmann | Austria | €1.200,00 | |
104 | Aleksandar | Tomović | Serbia | €1.200,00 | |
105 | Ram | Braha | Israel | €1.000,00 | |
106 | Gernot | Wriessnegger | Austria | €1.000,00 | |
107 | John | Juhl | Denmark | €1.000,00 | |
108 | Guido | Kramer | Germany | €1.000,00 | |
109 | Jean.Sebastien | Benoit | Belgium | €1.000,00 | |
110 | Daniel | Ortlieb | Germany | €1.000,00 | |
111 | Schuler | Valentin | Germany | €1.000,00 | |
112 | IV10 | Germany | €1.000,00 | ||
113 | Manh | Nguyen Huu | Czech Republic | €1.000,00 | |
114 | Toralf | Eichner | Germany | €1.000,00 | |
115 | Yitshak | Bahar | Israel | €1.000,00 | |
116 | ANTIFRAGIL | Germany | €1.000,00 | ||
117 | Daniel | Heredi | Hungary | €1.000,00 | |
118 | Željko | Stokanić | Serbia | €1.000,00 | |
119 | SK | Slovakia | €1.000,00 | ||
120 | eMKey | Slovakia | €1.000,00 | ||
121 | Roland | Felder | Switzerland | €1.000,00 | |
122 | Tobias | Brunnhuber | Germany | €1.000,00 | |
123 | Vladimir | Zaplava | Estonia | €1.000,00 | |
124 | Sascha Achim | Ranzinger | Germany | €1.000,00 | |
125 | Gediminas | Kareckas | Latvia | €1.000,00 | |
126 | Aleksei | Ivanov | Belarus | €1.000,00 | |
127 | Christian P. | Germany | €1.000,00 | ||
128 | Gabi | Mrad | Belgium | €1.000,00 | |
129 | Jan | Hájek | Czech Republic | €800,00 | |
130 | Lukasz Michal | Balbierz | Poland | €800,00 | |
131 | Ondřej | Kail | Czech Republic | €800,00 | |
132 | Alex | Germany | €800,00 | ||
133 | Marek | Blaško | Slovakia | €800,00 | |
134 | Ivana | Votrubova Pechanova | Czech Republic | €800,00 | |
135 | Amir | Shojaei | Germany | €800,00 | |
136 | Philippe | Vandebroek | Belgium | €800,00 | |
137 | Walter | Matura | Austria | €800,00 | |
138 | Malakinaikos | Greece | €800,00 | ||
139 | Daniel | Heiden | Germany | €800,00 | |
140 | Daniele | Vesco | Italy | €800,00 | |
141 | Timo | Opitz | Germany | €800,00 | |
142 | Bruce | Bagheri | France | €800,00 | |
143 | Frans |
van Staalduinen
Netherlands | €800,00 | |
144 | Trickster | Germany | €800,00 | ||
145 | Christian | Kunze | Germany | €800,00 | |
146 | Ali | Özdemir | Germany | €800,00 | |
147 | Josef | Kollar | Czech Republic | €800,00 | |
148 | Jona | Wilmsmann | Germany | €800,00 | |
149 | Witali | Reinbold | Germany | €800,00 | |
150 | Theoroeos | Lampakis | Greece | €800,00 | |
151 | Philipp Stephan | Weller | Germany | €800,00 | |
152 | Sebastian | Marzec | Germany | €800,00 | |
153 | Alberto | Panzeri | Italy | €800,00 | |
154 | Petr | Šubík | Czech Republic | €800,00 | |
155 | Lukasz | Paszkiewicz | Poland | €800,00 | |
156 | Bastian | Gallitzendörfer | Germany | €800,00 | |
157 | Stani777 | Germany | €800,00 | ||
158 | Jimmy | Khalil Cumsille | Chile | €800,00 | |
159 | Mathieu | Krishnapillai | Switzerland | €800,00 | |
160 | Marius | Meier | Germany | €800,00 | |
161 | Karel | Wudy | Czech Republic | €800,00 | |
162 | Bennet | Jessen | Germany | €800,00 | |
163 | Tomáš | Hájek | Czech Republic | €800,00 | |
164 | Ilaria | Divella | Switzerland | €800,00 | |
165 | Martin | Held | Germany | €800,00 | |
166 | Rudolf4 | Slovakia | €800,00 | ||
167 | Stephan | Hesse | Germany | €800,00 | |
168 | Nicolae | Modrea | nevyplneno | €800,00 | |
169 | Nordin | Lakhder | Switzerland | €800,00 | |
170 | Frederic | Dehling | Germany | €800,00 | |
171 | Sebastian Jacques | de Jong | Netherlands | €800,00 | |
172 | Zarathustra | Germany | €800,00 | ||
173 | Peter | Karl | Germany | €800,00 | |
174 | Florian Julien | De Carvalho | France | €800,00 | |
175 | Friedrich | Räz | Switzerland | €800,00 | |
176 | Monika | Naméthová | Slovakia | €800,00 | |
177 | Jurij | Wagner | Germany | €700,00 | |
178 | Eliot | Hirn | France | €700,00 | |
179 | Matti | Germany | €700,00 | ||
180 | Jaromír | Háněl | Czech Republic | €700,00 | |
181 | Giuseppe | Soffio | Luxembourg | €700,00 | |
182 | Stylianos | Kollatos | Greece | €700,00 | |
183 | Petr | Ségl | Czech Republic | €700,00 | |
184 | Sandro | Pitzanti | Netherlands | €700,00 | |
185 | Royalsash | Germany | €700,00 | ||
186 | Nikolay | Karman | Russian Federation | €700,00 | |
187 | Markus | Altkirch | Germany | €700,00 | |
188 | Jörg | Jenner | Germany | €700,00 | |
189 | René | Zembinský | Czech Republic | €700,00 | |
190 | Piotr | Trebacz | Poland | €700,00 | |
191 | Andreas | Pournaras | Greece | €700,00 | |
192 | Aleksandr | Shurupov | Russian Federation | €700,00 | |
193 | Cezar | Laurentiu | Romania | €700,00 | |
194 | Kvocna | Czech Republic | €700,00 | ||
195 | Marcus | Mondel | Austria | €700,00 | |
196 | Maurits | Koenders | Netherlands | €700,00 | |
197 | Daniel | Boros | Hungary | €700,00 | |
198 | Michael Oliver | Strauch | Germany | €700,00 | |
199 | Wolfgang | Waschik | Germany | €700,00 | |
200 | Marc | Camphausen | Germany | €700,00 | |
201 | Toni Marco | Caputo | Germany | €700,00 | |
202 | Luděk | Dytrt | Czech Republic | €700,00 | |
203 | Markus Karl | Baumgartner | Germany | €700,00 | |
204 | Antonio | Turrisi | Italy | €700,00 | |
205 | Zurab | Ejibia | Gruzia | €700,00 | |
206 | Benjamin Ritchie | Powell | United Kingdom | €700,00 | |
207 | vrasku | Poland | €700,00 | ||
208 | Nagy | Barnabás | Hungary | €700,00 | |
209 | Kenny | Van Acker | Belgium | €700,00 | |
210 | Evan | Joel René | nevyplneno | €700,00 | |
211 | Ronald | van de Linde | Netherlands | €700,00 | |
212 | Mateusz | Chwastek | Poland | €700,00 | |
213 | Maciej | Kondraszuk | Poland | €700,00 | |
214 | luis alejandro | Mata | Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of | €700,00 | |
215 | Mostafa | Bourras | nevyplneno | €700,00 | |
216 | Mustafa | Kazan | Germany | €700,00 | |
217 | Niki Georg | Bartsch | Germany | €700,00 | |
218 | Milan | Bajmozci | Slovakia | €700,00 | |
219 | Maarten | De Gryze | Belgium | €700,00 | |
220 | Mambamenni | Germany | €700,00 | ||
221 | Miroslav | Žitka | Czech Republic | €700,00 | |
222 | Vojtěch | Kratochvíl | Czech Republic | €700,00 | |
223 | Martin |
Georgiev Ivanov
Bulgaria | €700,00 | |
224 | Martin | Fulka | Czech Republic | €700,00 | |
225 | Sezgin | Kaya | Germany | €700,00 | |
226 | Oleh | Shepelenko | Ukraine | €700,00 | |
227 | Kerstin | Collins | Germany | €700,00 | |
228 | Erik | Germany | €700,00 | ||
229 | Alban | Maloku | Switzerland | €700,00 | |
230 | Attila | Horvat | Germany | €700,00 | |
231 | Otto | Guter | Germany | €700,00 | |
232 | Martin | Havlík | Czech Republic | €700,00 | |
233 | Two tea | Germany | €600,00 | ||
234 | Alexander | Weiler | Germany | €600,00 | |
235 | Vladas | Burneikis | Lithuania | €600,00 | |
236 | Zdeněk | Záhorčík | Czech Republic | €600,00 | |
237 | Johannes Friedrich | Ritz | Germany | €600,00 | |
238 | Pavel | Stolař | Czech Republic | €600,00 | |
239 | Khalid | Sektani | Belgium | €600,00 | |
240 | Jayr Matthew | Bakalars | United States | €600,00 | |
241 | Jaques | Ohayon | Israel | €600,00 | |
242 | Peter | Bumba | Austria | €600,00 | |
243 | Alexandar | Trajkovski | Macedonia | €600,00 | |
244 | Igor | Kotán | Slovakia | €600,00 | |
245 | Fritz Christian | Wimmer | Germany | €600,00 | |
246 | Rinrom | Jirawan | Switzerland | €600,00 | |
247 | Daniel Filipe | Ferreira | Portugal | €600,00 | |
248 | FUZZY | Germany | €600,00 | ||
249 | Vasile | Strugari | Romania | €600,00 | |
250 | Jimbo | Germany | €600,00 | ||
251 | Teodor | Popovič | Slovakia | €600,00 | |
252 | JakoBomber | Germany | €600,00 | ||
253 | Daniel | Dinulescu | France | €600,00 | |
254 | De.rob | Germany | €600,00 | ||
255 | Radek | Stříbrný | Czech Republic | €600,00 | |
256 | Kelvin | Iz | Netherlands | €600,00 | |
257 | Jonathan | Bully | France | €600,00 | |
258 | Pavol | Melichar | Slovakia | €600,00 | |
259 | Petrus JJ | Schouten | Netherlands | €600,00 | |
260 | MARIAN | CHELARU | Germany | €600,00 | |
261 | Bruno | Crucitti | Italy | €600,00 | |
262 | Miroslav | Prášil | Czech Republic | €600,00 | |
263 | Stefan | Bittger | Germany | €600,00 | |
264 | Lukáš | Král | Czech Republic | €600,00 | |
265 | Attila | Leéb | nevyplneno | €600,00 | |
266 | Andrew Steven | Duffy | United States | €600,00 | |
267 | Maxime | Jacob | France | €600,00 | |
268 | Daniel | Frosch | Germany | €600,00 | |
269 | Gerner | Germany | €600,00 | ||
270 | Aron | van der Rijt | Netherlands | €600,00 | |
271 | Lukáš | Benkovič | Slovakia | €600,00 | |
272 | Miroslav | Šašek | Czech Republic | €600,00 | |
273 | Valentin | Ehmling | Germany | €600,00 | |
274 | Jiří | Došek | Cameroon | €600,00 | |
275 | Christian | D´Acunto | Switzerland | €600,00 | |
276 | Miqu 666 | Germany | €600,00 | ||
277 | Jacques Helene | Baily | Belgium | €600,00 | |
278 | Aleš | Zelený | Czech Republic | €600,00 | |
279 | Johnny | Larsen | Denmark | €600,00 | |
280 | Craig | De Nys | Belgium | €600,00 | |
281 | Siamak | Tooran | Germany | €500,00 | |
282 | Richard | Eller | Slovakia | €500,00 | |
283 | Ondrej | Már | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
284 | Goran | Curic | Germany | €500,00 | |
285 | Cristian-Oliver | Geczi | Romania | €500,00 | |
286 | Robert | Thonicke | Germany | €500,00 | |
287 | Tadija | Krvic | Croatia | €500,00 | |
288 | Martin | Ilavský | Slovakia | €500,00 | |
289 | Tomas | Fara | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
290 | Roman | Šmída | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
291 | Johannes Cornelis Francisco | Tol | nevyplneno | €500,00 | |
292 | Josef | Peterek | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
293 | Rudolf | Mitja | Slovenia | €500,00 | |
294 | Steffen Rolf | Kenner | Germany | €500,00 | |
295 | Elton Rudi |
Carregado Martins
Portugal | €500,00 | |
296 | Valente da Silva Pereira | Tiago | Portugal | €500,00 | |
297 | AKBARJOJE | Netherlands | €500,00 | ||
298 | bowlsoftsteel | Greece | €500,00 | ||
299 | Peric | Szije | Germany | €500,00 | |
300 | Adda | Dor | Israel | €500,00 | |
301 | Adam | Jaglinski | Poland | €500,00 | |
302 | Jan | Matoušek | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
303 | Thomas | Sommerer | Austria | €500,00 | |
304 | Franz-Josef | Breuer | Germany | €500,00 | |
305 | Patrick | Schuhl | France | €500,00 | |
306 | The 1and only | Germany | €500,00 | ||
307 | Lukáš | Urban | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
308 | Pavel | Havránek | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
309 | Maximilian | Eberhardt | Germany | €500,00 | |
310 | Christophe Louis M | Simonis | Belgium | €500,00 | |
311 | Markus | Metzger | Germany | €500,00 | |
312 | Tugay | Karahan | Turkey | €500,00 | |
313 | Christian | Sykora | Austria | €500,00 | |
314 | Seyed Ahmad | Miri Lavasani | Germany | €500,00 | |
315 | Vincent Roger Gabriel | Gouiran | France | €500,00 | |
316 | Horst | Barlau | Germany | €500,00 | |
317 | Federico | Asta | Italy | €500,00 | |
318 | Pavol | Sádovský | Slovakia | €500,00 | |
319 | Gaetano | Moreci | Belgium | €500,00 | |
320 | Maher | Jrab | Germany | €500,00 | |
321 | Ladislav | Kománek | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
322 | Marek | Průcha | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
323 | Never give up | Czech Republic | €500,00 | ||
324 | Marvelous | Germany | €500,00 | ||
325 | Pavel | Petr | Czech Republic | €500,00 | |
326 | Mantas | Jurkuvenas | Lithuania | €500,00 | |
327 | Artur | Witecki | Poland | €500,00 |